Xander Harris is a major character in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. He is one of Buffy Summers' most loyal friends. He is a very insecure man who often tries to conceal this with humour but is also a very brave man willing to put his life on the line for others.
His Good Ranking[]
What Makes Him Admirable?[]
- Help Buffy to find one of his childhood best friends Jesse McNally.
- Team up with Willow and Giles to recuse Cordelia and others in The Bronze nightclub from Darla and her crew.
- Saves Cordelia from his childhood best friend Jesse McNally who been turned into vampire by Darla.
- Always tried reason with Jesse over again and remind him there's humanity in him.
- Saved Lance Lincoln from bullies.
- Stopped Weirick from killing Willow.
- Comforted Willow after she felt bad for falling in love with Moloch.
- Forced Angel to take him to the master's lair and brought Buffy back to life with CPR and willing to team up with Angel to save Buffy.
- Helped fend off The Master's vampires so Buffy could kill him and stop the apocalypse.
- Saved Jenny, Willow and Cordelia alongside Angel to stop The Master's resurrection.
- Forgave Buffy when she became meaner due to her trauma from her death at the hands of The Master.
- Helping Angel, Willow and Giles to find Buffy and Cordelia's whereabouts at Delta Zeta Kappas where frat boys date raped Buffy and Cordelia.
- Jumped through a fire to save Cordelia.
- Risked his own life to save Willow from the Inca Princess.
- Tried to comfort Buffy when she thought she had killed Ted.
- Stole a rocket launcher from the army and gave it to Buffy which allowed her to defeat the judge.
- Comforted Buffy after Angelus killed Theresa Klusmeyer and saved her from the vampire version of Theresa.
- Refused to sleep with Buffy while she was under the effects of a love spell.
- Tried to protect Buffy from Angelus when she was in hospital.
- Saved Buffy from Carl Marin.
- Hugs Buffy so the cops won't see and arrest her after she's mistaken for Kendra's murderer.
- Protecting Buffy by lying to her that Buffy kicking Angelus's butt as he didn't tell her Willow planned help regain Angel's conscience. Fearing if Xander didn't tell her the truth, Angelus will probably kill her quickly and killing Willow too.
- Saved Cordelia from Angelus' vampires.
- Frees Giles from Angelus' torture room.
- Called an ambulance for Giles after he was attacked by Gwendolyn Post. He also gives Angel a second chance since he got his soul back.
- Put aside his dislike of Angel to help Buffy save him from the first.
- Save Faith from demons after being kicked out of The Scooby Gang for being useless.
- Stopped Zombies from destroying Sunnydale High. Xander stop Jack's bomb in Sunnydale High School boiling room as he stop Jack to make sure Jack didn't open Hellmouth. Xander's first time save the world by himself. ○ Xander saves Buffy, Willow, Angel, Faith, Oz, and his surrogate dad Rupert Giles while they in Sunnydale High School. Unknown to them, Xander do whatever takes to stop Jack's plans.
- Attempts to reach out to Faith after she kills a man and tell her it wasn't her fault.
- Gets the location of a demon for Buffy by bribing Willie the snitch.
- Keeps Cordelia's secret that she's broke and buys a prom dress for her.
- Refuses Anya's offer to leave with her before the ascension so he can stay and help his friends.
- Comforts Buffy after she's worried about college.
- Tries to make Buffy feel better when she's feeling down about falling for Parker's manipulation.
- Saves Spike from being killed in an earthquake after their fight with Vahrall demons despite their mutual hatred.
- Helped protect Spike by hiding him from the initiative.
- Attempts to search for Faith so she can be apprehended and kept from hurting people after learning she has got out of hospital.
- Freed Buffy and Riley from the influence of the spirits of Genevieve Holt's victims.
- Helps to rescue Oz from the initiative.
- Helped Riley hide from the initiative after he betrayed them.
- Helped perform the enjoining spell which allowed Buffy to defeat Adam.
- Immediately forgave Spike for betraying the group by plotting against them with Adam.
- Saved Buffy from Toth.
- Protected Tara from her abusive family.
- Refused to choose between Anya and Willow when Olaf attempted to force him to let one of them die.
- Comforted Buffy after she and Riley broke up.
- Even after learing of Dawn's origin as the Key Xander still treats her like family. He helps Buffy look for her when she runs away and takes part in fighting Glory to keep Dawn safe.
- Sympathizes with Spike after he's tortured by Glory.
- Lights Spike's cigarette for him when he's unable to do it himself.
- Helped look after Dawn following Buffy's death.
- Helped revive Buffy as all her friends thought she was in hell.
- Tried to help Buffy with her financial problems by getting her a job at the construction site.
- Protected Jonathan and Andrew from Willow.
- Stopped Dark Willow from destroying the world. Xander's second time of save the world by himself.
- Saves his true love Anya from getting killed by Buffy.
- Assisted Buffy in protecting the potential slayers.
- Helps to rescue Cassie Newton from a group of boys who wanted to sacrifice her.
- Reluctantly allows Spike to live with him despite their animosity as a favor to Buffy.
- Broke the love spell that had been put on the Scoobies.
- Comforts Dawn over not being a potential.
- Tried to take Dawn out of town to keep her safe.
- Took part in the battle to stop The First Evil's apocalypse.
What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]
- He can be very possessive of Buffy and judgmental about her relationships with other men.
- Cheated on Cordelia with Willow at three times.
- Doesn't tell Buffy Willow is working to restore Angel's soul, so she won't hesitate to kill him.
- Blackmails Amy into casting a spell that will make Cordelia fall in love with him just so he can dump her which has disastrous effects on the people in Sunnydale.
- Planned with Faith to kill Angel behind everyone's backs after he returned from Hell. But he had second thoughts when he saw Giles almost dying and realized that Angel is innocent.
- Left Anya at the altar, although he felt bad about it and took responsibility.
- Beat up Spike for sleeping with Anya despite him being the one who dumped her and Spike being unable to defend himself.
- He can be hypocritical as he disapproves of Buffy's relationship with Angel because of his past crimes while he himself dates Anya who was also a murderer in her past and is much less remorseful over it.
External Links[]
- Xander Harris on the Heroes Wiki
- Xander Harris on the Wikipedia
- Xander Harris on the Buffyverse Wiki
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