Wallabee Beetles (better known by his codename Numbuh 4) is one of the four deuteragonists of the 2002 Cartoon Network animated series Codename: Kids Next Door. He is a hotblooded and boneheaded 10-year-old Australian boy who serves as the combat specialist of Sector V.
He is voiced by Dee Bradley Baker.
His Good Ranking[]
What Makes Him Admirable?[]
- Despite his jerkishness and impulsiveness, he is highly devoted to Sector V and the KND.
- He is very protective of Joey, as is shown several times in the series.
- He is also the first to save Kuki when she is in danger, as shown on multiple occasions.
- He also has a softer side that shows at various moments, such as when he fell in love with and helped take care of Bradley in "Operation: C.A.M.P." as the latter's godfather, and when he showed sadness at Maurice's decommissioning in "Operation: M.A.U.R.I.C.E."
- He stopped Mr. Boss from taking his employees' daughters to Pluto and prevented him from doing the same to their sons at Kuki's insistence in "Operation: O.F.F.I.C.E."
- He arrived with the rest of Sector V to free a brainwashed Nigel from Lizzie's Boyfriend Helmet in "Operation: L.I.Z.Z.I.E."
- He stopped a meeting of villains at a screening of Violence The Movie! in "Operation: M.O.V.I.E."
- He had a major role in taking down Margie's misandrist dystopia in "Operation: F.U.T.U.R.E." by helping Sally Sanban and her fellow Kids Next Door save other boys from being forcefully girlified, and traveling back in time to warn the present Sector V of this future so they can join him in the fight.
- He helped stop the DCFDTL from putting a picture of Nigel's butt in the yearbook in "Operation: B.U.T.T."
- He freed Mrs. Thompson from her were-dog curse in "Operation: H.O.U.N.D."
- He helped stop Mr. Fizz in Codename: Kids Next Door – Operation: S.O.D.A.
- He protected chicken nugget mines from the DCFDTL in "Operation: N.U.G.G.E.T."
- He saved Kuki from being married to King Sandy in "Operation: B.E.A.C.H.," even though he kept justifying this as her owing him a quarter (which his teammates would not hear and which she denied at the end).
- He defeated Negative Numbuh 4 in "Operation: P.O.O.L." by exposing the latter as a coward, which saved Lizzie and the rest of Sector V.
- He and Abby attempted to save everyone's homework from the Homework Bandits and the DCFDTL in "Operation: R.O.B.B.E.R.S." While the villains succeeded, their victory was rendered hollow because Mrs. Thompson checked Wally's homework first and declared it horrible.
- He helped stop the DCFDTL from putting a picture of Nigel's butt in the yearbook in "Operation: B.U.T.T."
- He helped stop the Teen Ninjas from ruining Fanny's slumber party (although it was girls-only and he disguised himself as a female "Numbuh 4 30-teen 7" using a headband with ropes as braids) in "Operation: S.L.U.M.B.E.R."
- He arrived with the rest of Sector V and some other KND operatives to help Hoagie free Joe Balooka and the children infected with pinkeye (the eye crust resulting from which Nurse Claiborne was using to make her dessert) in "Operation: P.I.N.K.E.Y.E."
- He defeated Rainbow Monkey Kong in "Operation: H.U.G.S." by giving the latter a friendly Rainbow Monkey goodbye hug (which made it leave), not receiving which caused it to go on a rampage.
- Although "Operation: M.A.T.A.D.O.R." was one of his worst moments as mentioned below, he regretted participating in bully fights when he was assigned to fight Sydney, and snapped the latter out of his "bullified" state.
- He helped the rest of Sector V get the last box of Rainbow Munchies from the Supervillain Supermarket and Deli, and they later joined forces with the villains (with whom they formed a truce "until breakfast [was] finished") get the last box of Rainbow Munchies back from Knightbrace (who was going to destroy it) in "Operation: M.U.N.C.H.I.E.S."
- He helped free Billy Hocslawger from his closet at his mother's request in "Operation: C.L.O.S.E.T."
- He went to get Sector V's remote control back from the Daves in "Operation: C.O.U.C.H.," helping Kuki escape from the dust bunnies when he finally got it back.
- He and Hoagie defeated the Bullysaurs in "Operation: B.U.L.L.I.E.S."
- He helped defeat the villains in Codename: Kids Next Door – Operation: V.I.D.E.O.G.A.M.E., turning his teammates back to normal when Count Spankulot turned them into Spank-Happy Vampires and later defeating the Toiletnator in a boss battle.
- He, the rest of Sector V, and the Elfa Strike Squad teamed up to save Christmas from the DCFDTL and the Faculty 4 in "Operation: N.A.U.G.H.T.Y."
- He and Kuki volunteered to get the device that Hoagie needed to create new Age-o-tonic Birthday Suits to combat Grandfather's Senior Citi-zombification in Operation: Z.E.R.O., and he later helped the rest of Sector V drop the Moonbase on the villain to stop him from destroying the Book of the KND.
- He and the rest of Sector V helped the DCFDTL get rid of the teens in their mansion in "Operation: P.A.R.T.Y." before Father returned from the spa.
- He and the rest of Sector V held off Father to buy Nigel enough time to get the items needed to complete the scavenger hunt at the Rainbow Monkey Let's Learn About The Lavatory Amusement Park in Operation: I.N.T.E.R.V.I.E.W.S., and later said goodbye to their leader when he went up to space to join the GKND.
What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]
- He is far too jerkish to be Near Pure Good, as he has multiple moments of being a jerk throughout the series. For example:
- He became drunk with power when he was temporarily made Sector V's leader in Nigel's absence in "Operation: C.A.N.N.O.N.," letting the power go to his head, and ordering everyone to build a "clam-cannon" for a sleepless night.
- He and the rest of Sector V sold out Numbuh 13 to the villains in "Operation: M.A.C.A.R.R.O.N.I."
- He tricked the Toiletnator into going into a lion's den out of sadism and later joined the rest of Sector V in mocking him in "Operation: C.A.N.Y.O.N.", when the Toiletnator did nothing truly heinous to warrant such humiliation in said episode nor any prior episode.
- He insulted Chubbo's funeral in "Operation: G.H.O.S.T.," which prompted the rest of the hamsters to fire soda at him.
- He asked who other than Santa Claus cared about getting presents for other people in "Operation: N.A.U.G.H.T.Y." when Kuki gave him her gift and told him not to open it until Christmas.
- He yelled at Joey in "Operation: S.A.F.E.T.Y.," which made Hoagie scold him.
- He suggested the chicks should be made into chicken fingers in "Operation: C.A.K.E.D.-T.H.R.E.E."
- There are also times when he bullies others, like he did when he gave Jerry Rassic a permanent wedgie in first grade, which caused the latter to have to walk with a cane and have his face messed up, as shown in "Operation: B.U.L.L.I.E.S."
- Additionally, he tends to get furiously jealous when other boys show interest in Kuki, which is seen in "Operation: C.A.K.E.D.-F.O.U.R." in his interactions with The Kid, and in "Operation: L.O.V.E." when he ruins the production of West Side Story because he thought Kuki was actually dating the DCFDTL (who were all playing Tony and planning to destroy it to get the reward for Best Actor). This even persists up to his adult life in Operation: I.N.T.E.R.V.I.E.W.S. (when he and Kuki are married), where he sees Hoagie hugging her and tells him to hug Abby (who became Hoagie's wife) instead.
- There are even a few times where he has fallen close to villainous territory. The worst example is found in "Operation: M.I.S.S.I.O.N.," where he released some villains from prison to beat Sydney in bowling, with "Operation: M.A.T.A.D.O.R." coming in a close second with him participating in "bully fights" using overcaffeinated grown men (who were tricked into thinking they were attending a seminar on how to be better fathers to their children) as the "bullies."
- He and Kuki Sanban are currently the only Codename: Kids Next Door heroes to be Inconsistently Admirable.