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So much is going wrong... You've got to believe me here, okay?!
~ Vincent Brooks to Katherine McBride

Vincent Brooks is the protagonist of Catherine and its remastered version Catherine: Full Body.

Vincent is a 32-year-old man working at home for a technology company based in the American space colony of Neo-Brooklyn. Vincent is a person who prefers to drift aimlessly in his life and lacks any greater ambitions or life goals to go further. In other words, he wants to remain easy-going, riskless, carefree, and simple. Little does he know that his life will change for better or worse.

He is voiced by Koichi Yamadera in Japanese and Troy Baker in English, the latter of whom voices Joel Miller from The Last of Us, Booker DeWitt from Bioshock and Delsin Rowe from inFamous: Second Son.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Admirable?[]

  • While he bullied his girlfriend Katherine McBride by stealing her lunch as a child, he subverts this corrupting quality by becoming more friendly towards her over time. Even before this, Vincent genuinely cared for his childhood friends Orlando Haddick, Jonny Ariga, Erica Anderson, and Daniel Kirsch.
  • Vincent was popular with girls since elementary school and knows how to be a good boyfriend showing that he has a caring side.
  • Even though he initially cheated on Katherine in favor of the other Catherine, he regrets this later on and goes with her to escape the final nightmare. Furthermore, he tried to tell Catherine that he's already in a relationship proving he did not want to continue the affair. Vincent can also reconcile with Katherine and marry her in the Good and old True endings.
  • While in the Nightmares, Vincent does everything he can to encourage the other Sheep to survive and will save some or all of the patrons of the Stray Sheep depending on player choice.
  • During the final battle with Dumuzid, he goes out of his way to protect everyone trapped in the Nightmares, including Orlando, Jonny, Daniel, and Erica. His victory ensures that they are not only free but the Nightmares in Neo-Brooklyn come to an end.
  • In the Rin route, he apologizes for slapping him. Vincent is also shown to stand up for him whether it's a drunken sexist client harassing him at the Stray Sheep or Dumuzid seeking to put an end to their relationship on gender-based terms. He also calls the latter for insulting them.
  • Related to the above, he risks his life to protect not just Rin but all of humanity from the overly protective if jealous Big Brother, who eventually accepted his marriage to him.
  • In the Rin Normal Ending, Vincent accepts Rin's decision to leave and hopes to see reunite with him someday so that he could become a better person which he more or less does once he meets him at his apartment.
  • In the new Catherine True Ending, he accepts Catherine's apology and becomes a loving husband. His decision led Catherine to travel back in time to become his girlfriend sooner, preventing not only the Nightmares from ever happening in the first place but is beneficial for everyone including his old classmate Paul Miller who is alive in this universe and engaged to Katherine McBride. Even if it wasn't necessarily his intentions, Vincent still accepted the apology and gave Catherine the idea to change the past for good which he embraces.
  • Similarly, Vincent also forgave Catherine and went on to marry her in the official novelization of Catherine. This also shows that despite Catherine's own actions, Vincent was willing to seek forgiveness and become a good husband to her.
  • Of all the characters in the game, Vincent is the only one to perform enough admirable actions throughout the story with the resources given to him, which are shown to have a big impact on not just Neo-Brooklyn but all of humanity in general (apart from Rin). Furthermore, Catherine does not exist in the same continuity as Persona or the Shin Megami Tensei games as evidenced by its space colony setting meaning that Vincent doesn't have to compete with the other protagonists in terms of admirability.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • Vincent chose to cheat on his girlfriend Katherine McBride in favor of Catherine, as explicitly stated by himself in one scene. Even if it later became nonconsensual, it's still treated in-story as Vincent's choice at first with him not pulling away from Catherine's kiss and mentioning he was dating someone else, making it a major corrupting quality regardless of his remorse. In the old True and Good Catherine endings, Vincent isn't shown to apologize for cheating on Katherine McBride at all.
  • He's rather lazy, neglectful, immature and reckless as he spends most of his money on cigarettes and electronic devices to the point where Erica has to cover for him at the Stray Sheep. He is also drunk and is seen ordering drinks at the Stray Sheep. That being said, he does subvert these qualities as the story progresses making this a minor prevention.
  • He makes unflattering comments regarding Erica's transgender identity such as saying that he would believe her romantic advice "if a woman was telling me this" or simply telling her "Don't mess around, man." Furthermore, he did not apologize for these comments at any point in the story.
  • He has no problems killing the more insane gray sheep while in the Nightmares. Though given that they want to kill him, this makes it a minor prevention.
  • While he is mostly well-meaning and tends to apologize, Vincent can be rather insensitive and sometimes rude to others as he is highly confrontational and snap at people who patronize or disrespect him, especially those who tell him what to do with his life whether it's beneficial or not which also extends to Vincent threatening to kill Dumuzid with an icepick. He can also send some dismissive messages to either Catherine such as telling Katherine "You don't own me. Sometimes a man needs a drink, you know?" when she suspects him of drinking or asking Catherine to stop sending him pictures and texts to his phone even though the latter didn't know about it. That said, some of it has to do with Vincent not wanting to feel devalued or objectified by other women as well as not always knowing his limits though he doesn't always apologize for this either.
  • And finally, he can join Catherine in overthrowing her father Nergal and become the new Demon King of the Underworld in the old True Ending. Since Catherine is treated as an antagonist and working for Dumuzid, this proves that he is far from incorruptible in addition to being dependent on player choice.


  • In the earliest stages of development for Catherine, Vincent was originally conceived as an unlikable character who unapologetically chose to continue cheating on Katherine in favor of blonde Catherine until the very end as opposed to being seduced by her. Had this been kept in, Vincent might not have qualified as Inconsistently Admirable.
  • Ren Amamiya, the Near Pure Good protagonist of Persona 5, can dress as Vincent. Both Persona 5 and Catherine are also spinoffs in Atlus's Shin Megami Tensei series.

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