Time for my second Blunt Brothers Productions Proposal. He and Noodle Neck (Which is getting his own proposal soon as it is being made in the moment) are only other ones that I think can qualify to be IA after Triangle.
I would recommend watching Blunt Brothers Productions videos first before casting your vote.
What's The Work?[]
Triangle vs. Monkey (formally Godzilla vs. Monkey) is YouTube parody series of Godzilla vs. Kong by Blunt Brothers Productions that started as a prediction series now full blown series with an plot and story with titular characters traveling to other series' universes and such.
Who's The Character?[]
Like Triangle he is a parody of King Kong (His real name is King Kong in universe but usually called Monkey) he is the main character of the series alongside Triangle and later Noodle Neck. He later revealed to have an unnamed father according an Q&A by series creator and older brother named Cole.
What Did This Character Do?[]
Since he and Triangle are always together he don't need to compete much with him and he did enough solo Admirable acts to stand out from him
- Saved Triangle a few times
- Saved him from Venom and Carange possesing him.
- Saved him when she was injured by the Crimson Hunter and drag his body to safety
- Saved Triangle from Zilla when he was knocked out from their fight and dragged his body to safety.
- He attempted to defend his universe from the Militia when they invaded it though failed a bit.
- Manage to help Triangle defeat the various enemies in the worlds trying to kill them both when traveling the Multiverse.
- During his and Triangle's fight against Zilla, Triangle was knocked out he manage to drag his body to safty out of the tunnel to save his life.
- He plays a role in stopping Project Reset which would have reset the entire multiverse and killed an incalculable number of people (Said to be millions in story but likely meant the Concepts Domian population). He uses a rocket launcher to destroy a tower controlling Foot Soldiers Robots that were slowing him, Triangle and co down that were stopping them from reaching Mecha Kong and the Developer from reaching Project Reset. After Triangle and Monkey went off go stop stop the Developer and Mecha King from doing Project Reset (while Noodle Neck and Mechagodzilla (2021) hold off the Militia's remaining forces such as Smaug), Monkey attempts to get the Router off the device activating Project Reset but slammed away when Mecha Kong threw Triangle thoigh, and he manage warn Triangle that Project Reset about to be initiated which allow Triangle stop fighting Mecha Kong and allowed him to destroy the device initiating Project Reset in time thus saving the multiverse. Because he assisted Triangle with stopping Project Reset he doesn't fail to him.
- He help in fighting against Prime Mecha Triangle and after Triangle got injured, he attempt to go all out to defeat him. He manage to distract the Developer by provoking him (Who was controlling Prime Mecha Triangle ) long enough for Triangle to impale the Developer with an pole which allowed Monkey to throw an grenade inside the cockpit and slam it shut where it exploded and finish of Prime Mecha Triangle and the Developer thus finally putting an end to the threat of the Militia and freeing the Concepts Domain from their rule. It is also justified due to the Developer for being responsible for the Militia's creation that destroyed his world and Mecha Triangle for betraying his home universe to the Militia.
- Monkey passes the Admirable Standards as while he wasn’t the one who directly stopped Project Reset, he played just a important role in stopping Project Reset as he helped Triangle by helping him hold off Mecha Kong and warned Triangle when the reset process was about to be initiated. And his role in dealing the final role in bringing an end in puttint an end to Prime Mecha Prime. He has about the same resources as Triangle though a bit less since he only had his axe, strength, the Router and whatever items & Weapons he come across to work with as he lack other powers he has. So he doesn't fail him.
I recommend watching this video if anyone doubt or question or need more context. This is the primary source.
What Makes This Character Inconsistent?[]
- Similarly to Triangle he has similar several corrupting qualities such as jerkish, destructive, lethal and reckless plus he also is incompetent and dimwitted as well (Though not that badly to the point where it completely disqualifys him) that prevent to be even close to NPG, as he started off as an neutral character before doing any heroic acts in Season 2 and so on:
- He had some minor villainous moments himself such as killing heroic characters such as Autobots, Yaegers from Pacific Rim, Avengers though was out of self defense making it a minor prevention.
- He is also very lethal as he tend to brutally kill his opponents (Though like Triangle in a cartoonish way as no blood is shown or the blood is an color other than red) as he chopped apart Pacific Rim Kaiju apart with a sword and characters like Indominus Rex with his axe by aiming for the head. Some of them were robots but were sapient too.
- He also very reckless and destructive as he fight in populated areas in cities of various universes they go to without any concern and make not the best decisions in combat.
- He is also incompetent as his stupidly made him repeatedly hurt from punching metal foes (usually robots) that made him hurt in pain as a running gag or not being able to understand plans that are ruses to trick others as when Triangle had various Godzilla and Kongs fight each other he thought it was for real and he faked that he "Knew that". Though not to the point where it completely disqualifies him.
- He also had very jerkish moments just as him butting heads with Triangle at times. However he is the comic relief making this minor prevention.
- Despite shedding some of his corrupting qualities he still had his mischievous, jerkish, and incompetent moments:
- He assisted in Triangle stealing an couch from a shopkeeper and he picked an terrible time to a break in the middle of climbing an mountain when he could done on the bottom or top of it pointed out by Triangle.
- He also jerkish to his brother Cole and have a negative opinion on him despite being family but is due to him not remembering him as his memories were wiped by Mecha Kong prior to series start thus making this a minor prevention here.
Final Verdict?[]
I say yes as his role in assisting in stopping Project Reset which saved the entire multiverse by assisting Triangle in holding off Mecha Kong while the former try to stop Project Reset making him equally important responsible in stopping Project Reset as Triangle as he wouldn’t be able to do it on his own without his help. Additionally helping in putting an end to the Developer and Prime Mecha Triangle is enough to stand out from him and pass the Admirable Standards of the series. But like his best friend he is too jerkish, destructive, lethal and brutal as well as incompetent at times prevent him from qualifying as NPG. Playing a big role in saving the entire multiverse would way be too insulting for Heroic Benchmark.