
TV Series
Hello. Today will be my next offer for the status of an IA, and it is dedicated to Seth Gecko.
What's the work?[]
From Dusk till Dawn is a film directed by Robert Rodriguez and written by Quentin Tarantino, which tells the story of two gangster brothers who came to a bar that, to their horror, belonged to vampires. As far as I know, they later made an entire franchise out of this film, making two more films and even a TV series based on the same universe, but I think this is rather unfortunate, and today we will talk about the first good film. But I won't mind if, after his approval, someone supplements his article by adding information from the series.
Who is he?[]
Seth Gecko is one of the main characters of the movie From Dusk till Dawn and the TV series of the same name. He's a dangerous wanted criminal, and Richie's older brother.
His Good Ranking[]
What Makes Him Admirable?[]
- He is much more balanced than his brother Richie, and even often chastises him for his outbursts of anger and cruelty.
- Despite the unpleasant nature of his younger brother Richie, Seth still cares about him very much, and always saved him and bandaged his wounds.
- He scolded Richie for raping and killing their hostage, and tried to stop him from doing such things.
- Although at first he only used Jacob and his children to get to Mexico and the right bar, he later softened towards him.
- He shot the employees of the bar because they were going to attack them.
- He was trying to save his brother Richie when he was attacked by the vampire queen Santanico Pandemonium.
- When he discovered that the bar was filled with vampires, he began to fight them, as well as protect Jacob and his children from them.
- He killed Santanico Pandemonium, thus taking revenge on her for Richie's murder.
- He was very saddened by the death of his brother Richie, and even confessed that he loved him. And when he turned into a vampire, Seth was very sad to kill him, but he had to.
- He decided not just to wait for dawn to get out of the bar, but to destroy all the vampires in order to take revenge on them for everything they had done.
- He killed all the vampires in the bar, thereby preventing their numerous murders of bar patrons, which these vampires had committed over the years. As a result, only Seth and Jacob's daughter Kate were left alive.
- He counted out his friend Carlos for choosing this particular bar for the deal, and that it was because of him that Richie and Kate's entire family died, from which he demanded more money from the deal from him.
- He gave Kate the money and sent her home.
What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]
- He is an inveterate criminal and robber who, along with his younger brother Richie, has been involved in various crimes, including numerous bank robberies and murders. He was also willing to force Jacob to take them to Mexico by blackmail. This makes him a clear anti-hero.
- He is extremely lethal. Although the vampire murders were exceptionally righteous, Seth killed many more people besides them, such as police officers and innocent citizens, and did not regret it.
- He often acts like an arrogant jerk, especially towards Jacob and his family, and even his brother Richie. He was also quite disrespectful to the bar staff, criticizing their food and getting into a fight with the bouncer.
- He is very petty and wrathful, because he brutally beat the barker because he did not want to let them in (although this barker was a vampire, Seth did not know this at the time), and even then he became nervous because one of the customers was rude to him.
- He likes to have a few extra drinks, and even taught Kate this, despite the fact that, according to her, she is not even 21 years old.
Final Verdict[]
I'll say YES.