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Inconsistently Admirable Wiki

You were the one person I needed on my side!
~ Phin to Miles during their final Battle
Let go...
~ Phin's last words to Miles as she sacrifices herself

Phin Mason also known as The Tinkerer is one of the two main antagonists (alongside Simon Krieger) of the 2020 videogame Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales. She is the leader of the Underground, a gang of criminals who waged a war against Roxxon. She is also Miles Morales' best friend and former arch-nemesis.

She was voiced by Jasmin Savoy Brown.

Her Good Ranking[]

What Makes Her Admirable?[]

  • She and her brother Rick tried to expose Roxxon's corrupt schemes and intention to ultimately poison the whole planet just for money.
  • Even after falling to villainy, she still remains an affable and genuinely kind and caring person who helps her gang when they need help and is polite to Miles and his family (at least for Miles until she learns he's Spider-Man). Even though their relationship was strained, she still cared about Miles and even though she threatened to kill him, she didn't want to do it.
  • Despite using unacceptable methods, she had truly noble intentions wanting to expose Krieger's plans to the world and avenger the death of her brother so that his sacrifice wasn't in vain.
  • She redeems herself once she realizes Miles was right and helps destroy the reactor.
  • She sacrifices herself by taking Miles high into the sky away from the city so that he can release all the energy he had absorbed, knowing he would die if he held it in, even comforting Miles in her final moments, knowing fully well she would be killed from the energy blast yet still staying of her own accord.
  • Her sacrifice saved thousands of lives, proving her genuine remorse and redemption.

What Makes Her Inconsistent?[]

  • Despite her redemption, she is still morally grey and villainous as while she attempts to make up for her actions, she still didn't show care for the people she was endangering as she knew her attack on the Ralley would endanger people including Mile's family, and while she did feel sorry for breaking Rio's arm, she tried to blame it all on Miles. Furthermore she still carried out her plan to destroy Roxxoon Plaza, even after being informed that it would kill everyone in Harlem, showing she was fully ready to sacrifice every single being in the city for her own goals, showing that despite her last minute change of heart, she is still a ruthless terrorist, making her too unforgivable for NPG.
  • She's a hypocrite, as while she was somewhat right about how Miles's impulsiveness made things worse, she's no better as she ignored his warnings over how the Nuform Reactor would have vaporized a majority of Harlem had she gone through with her plan.
  • Phin is extremely lethal, as, understandable as it is, she attempts to kill Rhino after he insults her over Rick's death. When Miles stops her, she beats him within an inch of his life and makes it clear she will kill him should he stand in her way again. Adding fuel to the fire, she almost follows through with this when Miles confronts her at Roxxon Plaza, though she was visibly reluctant about it when she had him at her mercy.


  • Tinkerer, alongside Martin Li and Harry Osborn are the only Marvel's Spider-Man characters to be Inconsistently Admirable.

External Links[]


          Spider-Man Logo Inconsistently Admirable

Deadpool | Eddie Brock | Kaine Parker
Other Earths
Peter Parker (Earth-2149) | Venom (Venom: The End)

TV Shows
Spider-Man: The Animated Series
The Spectacular Spider-Man

Spider-Man Trilogy (2002-2007): Harry Osborn |Doctor Octopus
Spider-Man: Homecoming: Iron Man
Spider-Man: Far From Home: Iron Man
Spider-Man: No Way Home: Eddie Brock/Venom | Iron Man

Video Games
Marvel's Spider-Man: Harry Osborn | Martin Li
Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales: Harry Osborn | Tinkerer
Marvel's Spider-Man 2: Harry Osborn | Martin Li

See Also
Sony Pictures Inconsistently Admirable
