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We didn't desert our family, and in this world that's all that matters.
~ Ray McCall to William

Thomas McCall is one of the main characters of the game Call of Juarez: Bound and Blood and a minor character in the game Call of Juarez. He is a gunslinger, the brother of Ray and William, and later Marisa's husband and Billy's stepfather.

He was voiced by Zach Hanks.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Admirable?[]

In General[]

  • He is quite noble and fair, and punishes only those who deserve it, and also always saves the innocent. And even he kills violent criminals in a fair duel.
  • He puts his family above all values in life, and even despite the strained relationship with his brother Ray, he still genuinely cared about him.
  • He is much less aggressive than his brother Ray and tries to use brute force less often.

Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood[]

  • During the Civil War, he and Ray served on the Confederate side, and on different flanks held the front line from the advance of Union Army units.
  • As soon as he and Ray meet and jointly repel a serious blow from the troops of the north, the command gives the order to retreat in the direction of Atlanta. The brothers realize that the line of defense they are holding now is the last line protecting their home in Georgia. They decide to desert the troops in order to hurry home to save their mother and younger brother William from the troops of the Northerners already attacking their ancestral estate.
  • Upon arrival at his native estate, he and Ray repel the attack of the arriving troops, thereby saving his mother and brother William.
  • He and his brothers set out to find a way to restore their ancestral estate and revive the family.
  • Although he slept with the sheriff's daughter, Betsy, according to Thomas himself, she seduced him herself, and did not mind, so it was not rape.
  • And although he (or, by choice, Ray) killed the sheriff in a duel, it is worth noting that he ran into them himself, and even took off his badge, not even listening to the fact that his daughter herself wanted to sleep with Thomas.
  • His attention was attracted by a certain Mexican woman named Marisa, to whom at that time two saloon patrons began to molest dirty, after which Ray and Thomas subdued them with lead.
  • He and Ray, on the orders of Juan Mendoza, kill the criminal Devlin.
  • He and Ray went to the Navajo territory and obtained a medallion there, which was the key to the ancient treasures needed by the brothers in order to build up their family estate.
  • When Sharp-Eyed was captured by the evil Colonel Barnsby, Ray and Thomas tried to save him, and eventually detained Barnsby.
  • He and Ray broke into Juarez's camp, where they defeated him, and thus saved William and Marisa.
  • Although he left Ray and went treasure hunting alone with Marisa, this happened because she deceived him, saying that William was supposedly dead and Ray was going to kill him (Thomas).
  • He and Thomas finally killed Colonel Barnsby, and also gave up the treasure, believing that it was indeed cursed.
  • As a result, he married Marisa.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • He can be arrogant and jerk sometimes. He also sometimes quarreled with his brother Ray, despite their sincere concern for each other.
  • Sometimes he can be lethal, although not as much as his brother Ray.
  • 13 years after Marisa's marriage, he became a tyrant towards her and his stepson Billy, because he started drinking a lot and beating them, and once tried to kill Billy with a pitchfork, but the latter managed to escape. This unfortunately corrupting him too much for the NPG.


  • Initially, it was believed that Thomas could be Near Pure Good, but he was rejected because his attempt to kill Billy with a pitchfork is too serious a prevention, after which he was accepted as Inconsistently Admirable.

External Links[]


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Call of Juarez
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