Inconsistently Admirable Wiki

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Inconsistently Admirable Wiki

Hello, I'm the Doctor.
~ The Doctor introducing themselves to their new companions.
All of time and space, everything that ever happened or ever will, where do you want to start?
~ Quote from the 11th Doctor.

The Doctor is the main protagonist of the Doctor Who franchise. They are a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey who travels through time and space in the TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimension In Space), a time machine that looks like a British police box on the outside.

The Doctor is typically depicted as an eccentric, intelligent, and compassionate individual who fights injustice and helps those in need across the universe. One of the defining aspects of the character is their ability to regenerate into a new form when mortally wounded or dying, which allows for different actors to portray the Doctor over the years.

Their Good Ranking[]

What Makes Them Admirable?[]

  • In the first season alone (because it would be a pain to do all his actions from the entire show):
    • Saves the earth from the Autons.
    • Saves the entirety of Platform One from Cassandra.
    • Helps destroy the Gelth.
    • Gives Mickey the plan to destroy the Slitheen.
    • Fights to end the Daleks, creatures that want to kill al that is not entirely Dalek.
    • Sacrifices himself to save Rose from the reapers.
    • Frees all of the victims of Empty Child Syndrome, exclaiming “JUST FOR ONCE ROSE, NOBODY DIES!”
    • Saves his universe from parallel universe cybermen.
    • Stops a plot to rip the world to shreds, but spares the person who was going to do it, instead de-aging her into an egg.
    • Saves the entirety of humanity from the Editor and the Jagrafess, with all side effects being unintentional.
    • Sacrifices himself to save Rose.
  • More generally, they tend to save the world, the universe, and on one time even the multiverse form Omnicidal Maniacs.

What Makes Them Inconsistent?[]

  • Because there are multiple variations of the Doctor, each with their own varying degrees of morality, they are inconsistent by default.
  • They are far too lethal to qualify for even Near Pure Good, being completely fine with killing enemies on numerous occasions (although a lot are in self-defense or to save others). However, what is inexcusable is their genocide on four different species: The Daleks in the Time War, the Racnoss in Runaway Bride, the Pyroviles in Fires of Pompeii, and the Silents.
  • They have turned to the dark side and became a villain multiple times, most recently in the Time Lord Victorious story arc.


  • They are the only Doctor Who character to be Inconsistently Admirable.

External Links[]
