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Sonic the Hedgehog is the titular protagonist of the 1993 British comic series Sonic the Comic. Like most versions of the character, he is a blue hedgehog who uses his enhanced speed to fight a villain named Dr. Robotnik.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Admirable?[]

Sonic the Comic[]

  • He continuously fights off against Dr. Robotnik and other villains that threaten Mobius.
  • When he was flung into the future where Dr. Robotnik took over the planet, he immediately started planning on overthrowing him.
  • He always saves his allies when they are in danger.
  • Despite his egotistical and apathetic attitude, he does truly cares about his friends and the people around him.
  • Undid Emperor Metallix's destruction of most organic life by travelling back in time to ensure that Dr. Kintobor becomes Robotnik (which the Metallix interfered with to prevent their self-destruct system from being added) before pushing the button to destroy him and the Brotherhood of Metallix, stopping their genocidal plans for good.
  • Though he was rude to Porker for leaving the Freedom Fighters by calling him soft and making him cry, his insults were ingenuine as he didn't want Porker to leave but had a hard time expressing himself properly, and he apologized to Porker for insulting him before he left.
  • He and the Omni-Viewer detonated the Black Asteroid to stop Super Sonic from destroying Mobius and killing all of its citizens.
  • Ended Robotnik's rule over Mobius by shutting down all of his machines and saving the lives of many innocent people, from being trapped inside the Badniks to be used as living batteries and freeing the citizens of Emerald Hill Zone from being used as living power sources for the biological computer (where there was no way to otherwise save them except for being killed).
  • He blamed himself for letting Johnny Lightfoot get killed by Chaos, temporarily quitting the Freedom Fighters before returning with a (slight but noticeably) less egotistical attitude than before and a stronger will to stop any more of his friends from being killed.
  • When Super Sonic snapped out of his pacifistic state and attempted to kill the Freedom Fighters, Sonic had Ebony recombine him into his body to stop him, even with the cost of him being vulnerable to being taken over by Super Sonic again.
  • After Tails was kidnapped, he set out to rescue him still motivated by Johnny's death.

Sonic the Comic Online![]

  • Prior to the webcomic's events, he put Robotnik in an asylum, putting a temporary end to his threat.
  • He made a deal with Drakon Empire to get a Chaos Tap, which stopped Zachary's plan to destroy Mobius.
  • Even after he was framed for various crimes by Grimer and declared a fugitive, he continued to protect Mobius.
  • He, Vector and Omni-Viewer stopped the Main Viewer's attempt to destroy time.
  • He ultimately defeated both Robotnik and the Drakon Empire, saving Mobius from destruction once again.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • Unlike most versions, this version of Sonic frequently insults and harasses his friends and even the other animals, especially Tails, making him too much of a jerk for him to be NPG.
  • He is an enormous egotistical show-off, and he constantly tries to make himself look "cool," even when doing morally questionable actions.
    • This also ironically makes many of his heroic moments a lot more disingenuous, as his massive ego constantly makes him seem like he only cares about himself and barely anyone else.
  • After defeating the Root, he suggested to the Chaotix that they could cook and eat him. While Root is a villain who attacked the Chaotix first, he is a sentient being, and eating him would be unjustified.


  • Compared to other official versions of Sonic, he is easily one of the most anti-heroic versions of the character, due to him being a constant egomaniac who loves bullying his own allies.

External Links[]


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Mainline: Shadow the Hedgehog | Sage
Sonic Boom: Sonic the Hedgehog | Miles "Tails" Prower | Amy Rose | Knuckles the Echidna | Sticks the Badger

TV Shows
Sonic SatAM: Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic X: Sonic the Hedgehog | Amy Rose
Sonic Boom: Sonic the Hedgehog | Miles "Tails" Prower | Amy Rose | Knuckles the Echidna | Sticks the Badger | Orbot and Cubot
Sonic Prime: Shadow the Hedgehog
Knuckles: Knuckles the Echidna

Dr. Ivo Robotnik | Knuckles the Echidna | Shadow the Hedgehog

Comic Books
Sonic the Comic: Sonic the Hedgehog
IDW Comics: Shadow the Hedgehog

Executor Vermillion | Shadow the Hedgehog
