Olivia Colomar - better known as Sombra - is a major antagonist in an Overwatch fanfic, and a major protagonist in its follow-up.
What makes her admirable?[]
Overwatch 2 Movie[]
- Even though she was working for Talon for years, she tried to get Sigma out.
- After Doomfist abandoned her, she decided to turn herself into a spy and work for Overwatch.
- She disabled the protocals keeping Emily locked up, making her partially responsible for her rescue.
Overwatch 3 Movie[]
- She had been slipping information to Overwatch for 3 months since Emily's rescue.
- When Doomfist decided to launch a surprise attack in an effort to outwit Overwatch, she risked her life to send them a warning.
- When she got to Watchpoint: Gibraltar, she immediately explained herself to Emily, who was angry for having her hand chopped off.
- She assisted with rescuing Other Tracer from Moira, and tried to convince her to leave Talon.
- She was devastated by Sigma's death, indicating that she truly cared about him.
- She agreed to fight Doomfist to help rescue millions from him.
- Although her primary motive was revenge, she later helped save Ramattra from death, making this admirable.
- She was able to shut down most of Doomfist's omnium, which prevented him from providing reinforcements to his robot army.
- When Mauga attacked Tracer and Emily, she tricked him into running into an incinerator.
- Although this is very brutal, he was the one to kill Sigma, and this was also done partly in self-defense.
- When Doomfist came close to killing Ramattra, she shut down Doomfist's gauntlet, which cost Sombra her right arm.
- Once Doomfist was blow up in the omnium, she managed to get on good terms with Emily.
What makes her inconsistent?[]
- She worked for Talon for years.
- While working for Talon, she:
- Assisted with the kidnapping of Emily.
- Terrorized Paris with Doomfist.
- Caused an EMP in Dorado, Mexico.
- This one is at least justified, due to Sigma being sent without adequate backup.
- Chopped off Emily's hand under Doomfist's orders.
- Again, this could be justified because Doomfist threatened her and Emily's lives if she didn't go through with the axe trick.
- Fought against Overwatch in Nepal.
- These are the crimes we know about, meaning she may have done much worse.
- Even though she apologized for chopping off Emily's hand and felt remorse that she wasn't able to get Sigma out of Talon, she doesn't try to make up for EVERYTHING ELSE she did in Talon.
- While working for Talon, she:
- She shows a disregard for the rules.
- She is a bit lethal, as seen when she incinerated Mauga.
- Even though Mauga was a horrible guy, death by incineration is too brutal to be a righteous kill.
- At some point when Sombra had her lost arm replaced by a prosthetic, she immediately left Overwatch, showing that she had no sort of loyalty or respect for them.
External Links[]
- Sombra on the Hero Fanon Wiki
- Sombra on the Villains Fanon Wiki