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Shego is the secondary antagonist of the Disney Channel animated series Kim Possible.

Perhaps the most complicated character on the show, she alternates between villainess, anti-heroine, and heroine over the course of the series. She is one of the two archenemies of Kim Possible, the other being Dr. Drakken.

She is voiced by Nicole Sullivan.

Her Good Ranking[]

What Makes Her Admirable?[]

In General[]

  • Although she became a villain, and was mostly rude and mocking to everyone, she still happens to be really friendly to Drakken, Kim and Ron.
  • Despite the enmity with Kim and the desire to kill her, she sincerely respects her as a rival, which she has proven more than once.
  • Apparently, she also cares about animals to a certain extent, as she considered it important what happened to the fish in the Great Lakes after they were drained, and one day she gave Drakken a lecture about caring for his dog.

Background / Season 2-4[]

  • She was once the leader of the superhero team "GO", and apparently committed several heroic deeds.
  • She was a little attached to Senior Junior.
  • During the Christmas holidays, she offers to pay the resort employee with her credit card, only to discover that Drakken has paid for her vacation in full, for which she expresses her gratitude to him.
  • She was worried about Drakken's mother when he left her on the train.
  • At Christmas, she and Drakken temporarily concluded a truce with Kim, and together with her relatives they celebrated the holiday.
  • She abandoned Drakken and Moto Ed's plan to steal Felix's wheelchair because she considered it too "low".
  • She opposed Drakken's cloning plan, and even temporarily stopped working for him because of it.
  • She was disappointed in Kim when she found out that she had lied to her friend and parents.
  • She teamed up with Kim and her brothers against Aviarius, and eventually helped defeat him. Although she eventually betrays them and takes Avilarius' power for herself, she still played a key role in defeating him.
  • Having become kind against her will, she became friends with Kim, and even helped her defeat her brothers, who had become evil, and supervillain Electronique. Although it was temporary and against her will, it was shown that when Shego returned to her mind, she deeply regretted the lost friendship with Kim.
  • It was she who saved Kim from Warmonga, as she attacked the villainess at the very last moment, and then also called Wade, who eventually took Warmonga away, telling her about Drakken's failed plan.

Final episode - Graduation, PT. 1-2[]

  • She teamed up with Kim, Ron and Drakken in the fight against aliens Warhok and Warmonga to prevent them from destroying humanity. And overall, she didn't have any selfish or selfish goals from it.
  • She saved Ron and James (Kim's father) from a giant robot that almost crushed them.
  • It was she and Ron who saved Drakken and Kim when they were captured by aliens.
  • It was she and Drakken who stopped all the giant robots with a solvent.
  • After defeating Warhok and Warmonga, she stopped being a villain, and when Drakken was finally able to put his brilliant plan into action, she genuinely fell in love with him.

What Makes Her Inconsistent?[]

  • She was a villainess for most of the plot, and even helped Drakken several times in his plans to take over the world. She also admitted that she likes to be angry. She became a supervillain only because she was annoyed by her brothers.
  • Although she really respects Kim as a rival, this does not negate the fact that she tried to kill her almost every time they met, even in very sophisticated ways.
  • She was incredibly wrathful and sadistic, and was willing to hurt even the elderly. She was even ready to attack Drakken when he annoyed her.
  • She often behaves jerkish towards almost everyone, including her employer Drakken and Moto Ed.
  • One day in the future, she took over the world and turned it into a terrible dystopia, but this was prevented by Kim.

External Links[]


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Animated Features
Disney Animated Canon
Peter Pan | Cogsworth | Iago | Philoctetes | Mushu | Vincenzo Santorini | Jumba Jookiba | Buck Cluck | Runt of the Litter | Vanellope von Schweetz | Fred | Maui | Namaari

Mike Wazowski | Dash Parr | Jack-Jack Parr | Merida | Anger | Bing Bong


Live-Action Features
Mary Poppins | Max Keeble | Captain Jack Sparrow | Hector Barbossa | Maleficent | Neytiri

Marvel Studios
Iron Man | Star-Lord | Scarlet Witch | Yondu Udonta | Kraglin Obfonteri | Eddie Brock | Venom

Animated Television
DuckTales (1987)
Scrooge McDuck | Donald Duck

Phineas and Ferb
Candace Flynn | Heinz Doofenshmirtz

Gravity Falls
Stanley Pines | Old Man McGucket

DuckTales (2017)
Scrooge McDuck | Flintheart Glomgold

Darkwing Duck | Taurus | Shego | Star Butterfly | Cricket Green | Darius Deamonne | Strange Supreme

Live-Action Television
Crash | Jessica Jones | Jake Lockley | Black Scorpion

Video Games

Donald Duck

Scrooge McDuck

See Also
20th Century Studios Inconsistently Admirable | Pixar Iconsistenly Admirable | Star Wars Inconsistently Admirable
