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Inconsistently Admirable Wiki

I am not drinking ANYTHING from this guy's lab - I don't care how photographable it is.
~ Rabbid Peach

Rabbid Peach is one of the Rabbid protagonists from the Mario + Rabbids series who has made appearances in Kingdom Battle and Sparks of Hope.


This section is too long. Visit here for more details: Rabbid Peach's Synopsis on the Heroes Wiki.

Her Good Ranking[]

What Makes Her Admirable?[]

  • Rabbid Peach, along with Rabbid Luigi have teamed up with Mario to help deal with the corrupted Rabbids that caused trouble in various regions and would gather more allies to save the Mushroom Kingdom.
  • She has also helped to defeat various threats of the regions infested by the corrupted Rabbids that put them under siege.
  • During the Donkey Kong Adventures DLC, Rabbid Peach assists Donkey Kong and Rabbid Cranky in defeating the Collectors to retrieve the Time Washing Machine parts so she and Beep-0 can get back to the Mushroom Kingdom as well as destroying the Bad Banana hoard that was corrupting those who eat them with one of the victims being Rabbid Kong himself, and defeating the Smugglers of the Bad Bananas to prevent innocent people from being infected by the corrupted bananas.
  • After destroying the corruption on the water and defeating Rabbid Kong for the last time to free him from the Bad Banana's influence which reverts to being a normal banana, she spares Rabbid Kong's life and offers a banana to him.
  • After Rabbid Kong starts crying due to learning that she has to leave, she comforts him and takes a photo shoot with him along with her new buddies as an assurance that she will come back and visit him.
  • Rabbid Peach helps her friends save Spawny from Bowser Jr., who was using him to create a merged army to take over the Mushroom Kingdom while his father is away and had to save him a second time from the MegaBug and helps them destroy it.
  • After Mario managed to assist her after accidentally being abducted by the Darkmess Manta, she helps fight Cursa's minions before their friends save them.
  • Rabbid Peach helps save the planets from falling to the Darkmess caused by Cursa which the Darkmess Tentacles were causing various phenomena to occur on each of the planets.
  • After Edge reveals her dark origins to them before their confrontation with Cursa, Rabbid Peach and her friends reassure her that she has done a huge number of good deeds to earn their trust despite this revelation and she is part of their family.
  • She assists in freeing Rosalina from Cursa's influence as well as the Sparks who were drained of energy and contributing to destroying the entity for good.
  • In the Tower of Dooom DLC, Rabbid Peach have rescued Spawny, who was imprisoned at the top of the tower, and he has since then becomes more mature and travels on his own.
  • In The Last Spark Hunter DLC, she helps to restore harmony to Melodic Gardens which have gone silent, shown some empathy for Allegra and Dorrie for their situation and helped free the latter. She also defeats Kanya, the person responsible for Melodic Garden's misery.
  • In Rayman and the Phantom Show, she and Rabbid Mario befriend Rayman despite the latter being wary of them for understandable reasons and show him that they have gotten better.
  • When the Phantom reveals that he wanted to get revenge on them for his previous defeat, Rabbid Peach and her friends help put him in his place for luring them into a trap out of pettiness.
  • Before they head back to the Mushroom Kingdom, Rabbid Mario and Rabbid Peach say good-bye to Rayman, Rabbid Peach initially brushed them off and walked away but then presents a gift to Rayman to remember them by to make their farewell end up in a high note for Rayman. It is one of the few times where Rabbid Peach was merely playfully teasing rather than doing it to be mean.
    • Additionally, she ultimately gives up acting to return to being a hero since she takes photos to post on social media anyway.

What Makes Her Inconsistent?[]

  • Rabbid Peach is incredibly anti-heroic and self-centered for the majority of the series, most notably through her tendency to take selfies during her adventures to post on social media. It's especially apparent in the Rayman and the Phantom Show show where she states that she will be fine with show business as long as her room is bigger and better than everyone else's and is generally obsessed with looks.
  • She is a massive jerk to even her friends, as shown during her first meeting with the real Princess Peach where she scoffs at her dress even though she is wearing a similar style and is like that with various NPCs she interacts with. She also shoves her foot into Rayman while trying to disembody his already-disembodied sneaker from him when they first met.
  • She's a morally grey character as in addition to her jerkish behavior, she was also sadistic as she was willing to hurt and humiliate Rabbid Kong by tipping the tower he was on and takes more selfies of this happening, and even after making amends with him at the end of the Donkey Kong Adventures DLC, she doesn't exhibit remorse for her actions over it. It doesn't help that Mario himself told her not to do it and she chooses not to listen to him and does it anyway, which made the rift between her and Rabbid Kong even wider. Even in Sparks of Hope where this trait was toned down a notch, it was still there as she is still prone to laughing at another character's expense when the Phantom was insulting them through his lyrics.


  • She is the only version of Princess Peach to be Inconsistently Admirable.
  • She and Rabbid Mario are the only Rabbid characters to be Inconsistently Admirable.
    • They, along with Beep-0 and Princess Daisy, are also the only Mario Inconsistently Admirables to not have pages on the Villains Wiki.

External Links[]


           SuperMarioLogo Inconsistently Admirable

Video Games
Wario | Donkey Kong | Bowser

Count Bleck | Paper Bowser

Rabbid Mario | Rabbid Peach


Princess Daisy

Bowser Jr. | Brooklyn T. Guy | Jeffy | Luigi | Mario | Maro | Marvin | Meggy Spletzer | NostalgiaSquare | Saiko Bichitaru | Shadow the Hedgehog | SMG3 | SMG4 | Woody | Yellow

See Also
Nintendo Inconsistently Admirable | SMG4 Inconsistently Admirable | SuperMarioLogan Inconsistently Admirable

            Super Smash Bros. Logo Inconsistently Admirable

Playable Characters
Bowser | Byleth | Cloud Strife | Dark Pit | Donkey Kong | Falco Lombardi | Kazooie | Master Hand | Mythra | Wario

Assist Trophies
Midna | Phosphora | Shadow the Hedgehog | Zero

Chris Redfield | Count Bleck | Goro Akechi | Jin Kazama | Kyo Kusanagi | Master Hand | Morgana | Mythra | Paper Bowser | Rabbid Mario | Rabbid Peach | Revali | Riku | Shadow the Hedgehog | Viridi

Giga Bowser | Master Hand

See Also
Nintendo Inconsistently Admirable
