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Inconsistently Admirable Wiki

Yes, you called?
~ Phosphora’s catchphrase and most famous quote.
Finishing blow!
~ Phosphora as she defeats Thanatos.

Phosphora is a minor antagonist in the videogame Kid Icarus: Uprising, making her debut appearance in the 14th stage (and chapter). She is one of Viridi’s generals, and her army known as the Forces of Nature.

She was voiced by Kari Wahlgren.

Her Good Ranking[]

What Makes Her Admirable?[]

  • While she is a rude and disrespectful girl, she has demonstrated numerous redeeming qualities and positive qualities. Plus, she never killed anyone or caused serious damage, and while Pit and Palutena were not impressed with her villainy, Phosphora was continuously played for laughs, showing she isn’t too horrible as a villain as her heinous acts are just bog-standard in general.
  • Her loyalty to Viridi is not out of mere fanatical worship, but rather, because she genuinely cares for her and strives to impress her.
  • Even during her villainous moments, she still displays a sense of honor and respect for Pit and she is even in love with him by hitting on him multiple times and finding him attractive to a point, even giving him several compliments during their fights.
  • She defeated Thanatos (the God of Death) and stopped him from causing any more massacres, saving a lot of lives in the process. Additionally, it is made clear that Phosphora doesn’t like murdering people for intentional reasons.
  • She has standards against unwanted stalling, as she told Pit to get straight to the action before their battle.
  • She generally does her job as a commander of the Forces of Nature well as she just wants to get on with her work and is always willing to make Viridi happy.
  • She has a healthy friendship with Palutena and Viridi and sometimes acts like a big sister to them.
  • Although she is never actually seen showing remorse for her crimes, she still achieves redemption by assisting Pit with the Lightning Chariot after the Forces of Nature's Heel–Face Turn, and she stops trying to kill him after her redemption due to turning to the heroes’ side.
  • While Pit, Palutena, Dark Pit and Viridi are considerably more admirable, Phosphora stands out due to having less resources and lower screentime than those four heroes, and she also defeated Thanatos (one of the deadliest gods in the franchise).

What Makes Her Inconsistent?[]

  • She is a sassy, rude, and vain girl who never sheds her numerous corrupting qualities even after her redemption, preventing her from being Near Pure Good.
  • She started out as a villain who called Palutena “ma’am” against her will (which is extremely jerkish), was given orders from Viridi to kill Pit and was on board with Viridi’s intended goal to kill off the entire Underworld Army. While her villainy was astonishingly bog-standard for the most part due to being a bully and "kill the hero" villain, she doesn't have enough screentime to show how much she has reformed after her redemption.
  • She is somewhat perverted, constantly flirting with Pit and refusing to stop even when he tells her to. Plus, most of her compliments towards Pit are not genuine as she blatantly makes fun of him and does that to get under his skin and throw him off.
  • She is somewhat hypocritical, as she despises Thanatos and his love of killing even though she wanted to help Viridi kill countless people too.
  • Although it's true that she clearly redeemed herself, she still shows little to no remorse even after committing her second best act (helping Pit learn how to drive the Lightning Chariot to save all of humanity from the Underworld Army).


  • Phosphora is one of the three Kid Icarus heroes (alongside Dark Pit and Viridi) to be Inconsistently Admirable.

External Links[]


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Viridi | Phosphora | Dark Pit

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Playable Characters
Bowser | Byleth | Cloud Strife | Dark Pit | Donkey Kong | Falco Lombardi | Kazooie | Master Hand | Mythra | Wario

Assist Trophies
Midna | Phosphora | Shadow the Hedgehog | Zero

Chris Redfield | Count Bleck | Goro Akechi | Jin Kazama | Kyo Kusanagi | Master Hand | Morgana | Mythra | Paper Bowser | Rabbid Mario | Rabbid Peach | Revali | Riku | Shadow the Hedgehog | Viridi

Giga Bowser | Master Hand

See Also
Nintendo Inconsistently Admirable
