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Inconsistently Admirable Wiki

You tell that freak I just declared open season on psychopaths! Spopovich, for every second Videl's in recovery, I'M GONNA BREAK SOMETHING YOU DIDN'T KNOW YOU HAD!
~ Mr Satan's protective response to his daughter being hurt by Spopovich.
You go "cuckoo crazy"! Don't tell me you REALLY thought the mighty world champion, Mister Satan, would tolerate Majin Buu destroying Earth, and the very universe itself!!
~ Mr. Satan to Kid Buu.

Hercule Satan, or simply Mr. Satan, is a main character in the Dragon Ball franchise. He is a celebrity martial artist, the father of Videl, the father-in-law of Gohan and Goten and the maternal grandfather of Pan. He's one of, if not the most famous person on Earth.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Admirable?[]

  • He dedicated his entire life to protect the whole planet from evil doers.
  • In the battle with Kid Buu, he fought Buu head-on to protect his friend Fat Buu (although he stood no chance, Hercule still showed heart).
  • He's a good father and loves his daughter Videl.
    1. Most memorably, he stood up to Spopovich and humiliated him with a strong kick off the stadium for harming his daughter Videl, who was sent to the hospital because Spopovich beat Videl up to a bloody pulp and nearly killed her. This made Mr. Satan humiliate Spopovich publicly as a form of retaliation.
  • He becomes an important ally to the Z Warriors, helping them to defeat Pure Majin Boo once and for all. (Even allying with Dende in the Buu Saga).
  • He made friends with, redeemed and took care of Fat Buu, and convinced him to stop killing millions of people on Earth by simply asking him not to turn people into candy.
    1. Despite Mr. Satan's failures to kill off Buu with many misdirection and attempts to claim his acts of defeating him in newspapers, he eventually changed his heart, became less sneaky towards him attempting to kill Majin, he and Buu became the best of friends. Mr. Satan even taught Buu how to be nice, as the two play with Satan's dog Bee.
  • In the Kid Buu Saga, during Goku's battle against Kid Buu, when Goku and Vegeta failed to get the people of the Earth to lend their energy to Goku's spirit bomb, Mr. Satan takes advantage of his reputation and successfully convinces them to do so, and because of this Goku was able to defeat Kid Buu, which helped saving the world.
  • He honored Android 16's last request by throwing his head close enough to speak to Gohan, even when doing so put Mr. Satan at great personal risk (16 lowered his ego a bit), this directly led to the world being saved via 16 giving Gohan a moment to face death with dignity. In a way, Mr. Satan also saved the world in the Cell Games (even though he took all credit for beating Cell and called the real heroes "fake" beforehandd).
  • In Dragon Ball Super, he was handed a World Peace Prize and one hundred million Zeni after doing a battle with Android 18 (who made a fair deal with her), instead of using the money for himself, he immediately offered the money to Vegeta, and then to Goku (who Goten convinces to accept). He also built Gohan and Videl a house to live in as well as fronting the bill for Gohan and Videl's marital home, and his acts of making Goku and Chi-Chi rich to subsidize Goku's ability to train (and, by extension, this allowed Goku to continue protecting Earth).
  • After the Junior Division Final, Satan asks Trunks to lightly tap him on his face, and Trunks knocks him out of the ring with only a tap on the face. This means Mr. Satan made the audience believe it was all for show and that Mr. Satan has let the Junior Champ win the match, earning everyone's praise and love for Mr. Satan despite Satan wanting to win.
  • While the admirable standards of Dragon Ball is really high, Mr. Satan still stands out due to succeeding with lesser resources and power than Kami, Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo and Adult Trunks.
    1. It doesn't help that he not only survives most of the dangers he goes through, but also gains fame for most of the heroes' acts. This means he is the strongest "normal" human of the series and has incredible luck despite being a pure mortal.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • He started off as a deceitful fraudster who lied about his title as a martial artist, pretended to be ill, took credit for the Dragon Team's victories and he also recklessly challenged powerful threats like Cell, and thought he could take them down with no problem, when he didn't until later. However, he does redeem himself from this.
    • He even went to great lengths get opportunistic and to mislead the people of Earth that he is more heroic than he really was, which was the reason why they didn't listen to Goku and his friends about lending their energy to help defeat Kid Buu.
  • The excessive list of lies he had the people on Earth to believe:
    1. After losing the Cell games without landing a single hit, he claimed that everyone cheated.
    2. He took credit for Gohan killing Cell.
    3. He won the world's martial arts tournament by agreeing to Android 18's deal to throw the match in exchange for giving her the prize money.
  • He's far too arrogant and boastful for his own good, as his pride and habit of underestimating enemies that are more powerful than him can get himself seriously hurt, as shown with his fight with Cell ending in less than a second. Even after learning from his mistakes, he still tends to praise himself and continue boasting about himself as a "fighter".
    • Despite being rich and famous, he boasted endlessly on television about his strength as well as how he is the "best fighter in the world" and was rather cocky about facing the likes of Cell and Majin Buu before remembering that he can't actually beat them. In the eyes of many characters who know him very well, Mr. Satan is considered to be a "showboating blowhard".
  • He can also be a bit of a jerk sometimes, as he angrily told Goten to shut up when he was cheering for Trunks.
  • Ever since his wife's death and his rise to martial arts stardom, Mr. Satan became a hedonistic womanizer, much to the annoyance of his daughter Videl.
  • Despite being the strongest human in the series, he's also provided several mischievous, cowardly and incompetent moments that are simply too much for NPG.

External Links[]


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Master Roshi | Shenron | Vegeta | Porunga | Android 17 | Mister Satan | Trunks | Beerus | Zeno | Super Shenron

Video Games
The Protagonist (Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2)
