Inconsistently Admirable Wiki

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Inconsistently Admirable Wiki
Danganronpa 2 CG - Nagito's Russian Roulette

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Michael Afton is the unseen main protagonist of the FNaF VHS fan-series of VHS clips created by Squimpus McGrimpus. He is the son of William Afton and the older brother of Joseph who accidentally killed Joseph by sticking him in Fredbear's mouth.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Admirable?[]

  • He burned Fazbear's Fright, killing his father and ending his atrocities.
  • He also freed the souls of Charlie (Implied to be his close friend or even girlfriend, if she was at similar age with him), Joseph (his younger brother), Nicole, Benjamin, Lucas and Angie.
  • He is fully aware that he is freeing the souls as Puppet told him about it.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • He lacks a personality and the only time his character was revealed was in the Series Memories from William's point of view, which is incorrect.


  • This and his AIEchidna counterpart are the only versions of Michael Afton to be Inconsistently Admirable, as his original counterpart is Near Pure Good because he has a clearly defined personality.
  • So far it's unknown if his version from Battington's FNaF VHS will be Inconsistently Admirable or not.
  • So far, he's the only Inconsistently Admirable hero to be Wholly Reformed.

External Links[]


           FNAF Logo Inconsistently Admirable

Gregory | Henry Emily

The Princess | M.X.E.S.

Five Nights at Fuckboy's: Freddy Fuckboy
Dayshift at Freddy's: Blackjack | Jack Kennedy

Web Animation
The Special Strike: The Observer
FNaF VHS: Michael Afton
Glitchtrap and Glamrock Bonnie Show: Glitchtrap

AIEchidna's Five Nights at Freddy's: Michael Afton | Jeremy Fitzgerald
