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No matter what I have to do, I will get it before Near.
~ Mello

Mihael Keehl, better known as Mello, is the secondary antagonist of the second half of the Death Note anime/manga series. Alongside his rival, Near, he is one of the two successors of L Lawliet and an archenemy of Kira, Light Yagami. He is a ruthless detective that allies with the American Mafia after the murder of his predecessor, L, after he rejects to team up with Near to find his murderer.

In Japanese, he was voiced by Nozomu Sazaki, and by David Kurwitz in the English dub. In the TV drama, he was portrayed by Mio Yūki.

His Good Rankings[]

What Makes Him Admirable?[]

  • Mello greatly admired L and was enraged after knowing he was killed by Kira.
  • He conducted his own investigation of the Kira case. He risked himself and eventually sacrificed his own life to solve it.
  • After getting the Death Note, he ordered his gang member to test the 13-day rule, finding out it was fake.
  • Although he did kill Soichiro Yagami, he didn't want to do it in the first place, even apologizing before his impending death.
  • He told Near about the fake rules of the Death Note.
  • He offered Near his help when he realized that by himself he would not be able to expose Kira.
  • After Near told him his plans, he realized the possibility that Mikami's Death Note was fake, decided to kidnap Takada in order to lure out the real Death Note.
  • When Matt is killed during Takada's kidnapping, Mello feels remorse for having his friend involved, apologizing while thinking that it wasn't his intention at all for Matt to die.
  • Allows Takada to cover herself with a blanket and is polite to Soichiro Yagami.
  • Due to the fact that he kidnapped Takada, Teru Mikami went to the bank for the Death Note to kill her, which led to Near finding the real notebook and replacing it with an authentic-looking fake one, which ultimately exposed Light as Kira when Mikami tried to use the fake one to kill Near, his associates and the rest of the Japanese Task Force aside from Light. Therefore, Mello played the most pivotal role in defeating Light.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • He is a criminal and an anti-hero, as he doesn't care how much his actions violate the law.
  • He is very wrathful and jealous.
  • Although not truly evil, he's lethal as his methods of capturing Kira are downright insane and ruthless.
  • He was willing to align with the mafia for years and play a pivotal role in orchestrating their kidnapping of Director Takimura and later Sayu Yagami to force the task force to give them the notebook.
  • He was complicit in the mafia's murder of their enemies using the Death Note.
  • He crossed the Moral Event Horizon for killing all the members of SPK except Near, Rester, Gevanni and Lidner with the Death Note, just because he didn't want SPK to violate his plan to catch Kira on his own.
  • Threatens to make the U.S. President start a nuclear war if he doesn't cooperate with him.
  • He kidnapped Takada, although it was for the sake of the Kira investigation.


  • From the Wammy House Inconsistently Admirable Trio, only Mello initiated with his actions too unethical enough to be qualified to have a profile on Villains Wiki, and interestingly enough, because of him going all out with striving to achieve his goals, he officially has a higher Initiative ranking than L, Light, and Near, as confirmed on Death Note 13: How to Read.

External Links[]


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L Lawliet | Light Yagami | Mello | Near

Taro Kagami

Light Turner
