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Inconsistently Admirable Wiki
NOTE: This page will only contain information about the original character from the game series, as his film counterpart was voted Near Pure Good.
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They were all dead. The final gunshot was an exclamation mark to everything that had led to this point. I released my finger from the trigger... and then it was over.
~ Max Payne after killing Nicole Horne.
The way I see it, there's two types of people: those who spend their lives trying to build a future, and those who spend their lives trying to rebuild the past. For too long I've been stuck in between, hidden in the dark. What was I really doing, walking in there with my bad haircut and ridiculous shirt? Was I there to make something right? Or was I just using a messed up situation to indulge myself, grasping at some desperate delusion of control? Maybe the two went hand-in-hand more than I cared to admit.
~ Max as he searches for Fabiana in Nova Esperança.

Max Payne (born November 30, 1965) is the titular main protagonist of the video game series of the same name. He is a former NYPD detective turned DEA agent, who becomes a seeker of vengeance for those who have wronged him.

He was voiced by the late James McCaffrey, whom he was also modelled after in Max Payne 3. In Max Payne and Max Payne 2, his likeness was based on Sam Lake and Timothy Gibbs respectively.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Admirable?[]

In General[]

  • In general, he is very sorry that he got involved in various fights, and wanted only a quiet and peaceful life, without violence and murders, and when he finally finished all his adventures, he finally began to enjoy the rest of his life.
  • He deeply loved his wife Michelle and daughter Rose, and after their deaths he did not stop mourning for them for ten years, and constantly visited their graves and blamed himself for not being able to save them.
  • He is very sympathetic and noble, because he always saves the innocent and punishes only those who deserve it. And even despite his huge number of murders (as many as 2,482), he is still not a character from the gray zone, since all his victims are dangerous criminals who instantly open unprovoked fire on police officers or innocent civilians.

Max Payne[]

  • Prior to the events of the first game, he rescued his future wife named Michelle from two robbers.
  • In the first game’s prologue, he attempts to rescue his wife and daughter from valkyr-pumped madmen.
  • He killed Rico Muerte, thereby preventing him from assassinating the mayor of New York on the order of Nicole Horne.
  • He does not kill Vinnie Gognitti, but only handcuffs him and leaves him on the street, and he survived.
  • He killed Jack Lupino, and thus put an end to his cruel rituals on the innocent.
  • He killed Frankie Niagara, thereby preventing his cruel and painful torture of the innocent on the orders of Angelo Punchinello.
  • He destroyed the entire Punchinello mafia clan, thereby putting an end to their numerous crimes.
  • He destroyed the laboratory where the dangerous drug "Valkyrie" was produced.
  • He killed B. B., thereby avenging him for Alex's murder.
  • He avenged the deaths of his wife and daughter by defeating Nicole Horne.
  • During the events of the first two games, he develops a passionate interest in Mona Sax.
  • He assists Mona in avenging her sister’s death by defeating Angelo Punchinello in the first game.

Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne[]

  • He saved Vladimir Lem from the mob of Gognitti (unaware of who Vladimir really is).
  • He tried to save many members of the Inner Circle from the "Cleaners", but did not manage to do so.
  • He destroyed the entire gang of "Cleaners", thereby putting an end to their numerous murders of innocents.
  • He tried to save Vinnie Gognitti by rescuing him from a booby-trapped mascot suit, but did not manage to do it.
  • He tried to save Alfred Woden from Vlad's bandits and the "Cleaners", but did not manage to do it.
  • He avenges Mona Sax in the second game by defeating Vladimir Lem.

Max Payne 3[]

  • He killed Tony DeMarco for hitting an innocent woman, explaining that he did not like when women were beaten.
  • Although Anthony DeMarco was trying to kill him, he still sympathized with him about the loss of his son.
  • He felt deep remorse for not being able to save Rodrigo, Fabiana and Marcelo from death.
  • He tried to protect Fabiana, Rodrigo and Marcelo Branco from bandits.
  • He tried to save all the passengers of the yacht from the AUP.
  • He saved Giovanna from the Crachá Preto and allowed her to leave with Passos.
  • Despite the fact that Serrano had done him a lot of bad things (including killing Fabiana), he still felt compassion for him and allowed him to leave, even allowing him to go after the doctor responsible for the organ harvesting.
  • He destroyed the entire Crachá Preto gang, thereby putting an end to their numerous kidnappings and torture of innocents, as well as their organ trafficking operations.
  • He destroyed the entire UFE police department, thereby putting an end to their numerous arrests and trafficking of innocents.
  • He avenges the deaths of Fabiana, Rodrigo, and Marcelo Branco by defeating Armando Becker, Bachmeyer, and Victor Branco.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • He is quite lethal in that he kills many criminals rather than simply apprehending them. One of his goals is to kill all mobsters in New York City and while it is true that they’re terrible people, he still takes it too far.
  • He’s a constant alcohol and painkiller abuser, though he does start the path of curbing his addictions once Rodrigo is killed.
  • He is often violent and wrathful, such when he began to strangle Becker, although the latter did not resist. He also broke Victor Branco's leg, despite the fact that he could have already been arrested. However, since most of them were terrible people, this comes off as minor.
  • As a cop, he's seen multiple times bending the law and often using his status to justify his actions.
  • His interest for Mona Sax often gets him involved in multiple situations which greatly affects him mentally even years after the fact, such as killing Valerie Winterson.
  • In Max Payne 3, some of his actions depend on the player's choice, from which he can either kill his severely wounded enemies, thereby putting them out of their misery, or leave them to die in severe pain.

External Links[]


           RockstarGamesLogo Inconsistently Admirable

Grand Theft Auto
3D Universe: Claude | Victor Vance | Carl Johnson | Mike Toreno
HD Universe: Niko Bellic | Luis Lopez | Michael De Santa | Franklin Clinton | Lester Crest | GTA Online Protagonist

Jimmy Hopkins

Red Dead
Revolver: Red Harlow
Redemption: Arthur Morgan | John Marston | Charles Smith | Sadie Adler | Dutch van der Linde

L.A. Noire
Cole Phelps

Max Payne
Max Payne | Mona Sax | Raul Passos

James Earl Cash

See Also
GTA Inconsistently Admirable
