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Inconsistently Admirable Wiki

Max Keeble is the titular main protagonist of Max Keeble's Big Move.

He was portrayed by Alex D. Linz.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Admirable?[]

  • He greatly cares for his friends Megan and Robe.
  • He is nice and generous to pretty much everyone around him, even to Principal Jindraike despite how much Jindraike criticises and belittles Max.
  • He volunteers to help with saving the animal shelter.
  • He saves his best friend Robe after the school bully Troy McGinty locks him inside a glass stand.
  • When he breaks into the school along with Megan and Robe, he discovers that Principal Jindraike is fiddling with the school budget to create a football stadium.
  • He gives his father advice about standing up to his overbearing boss Mr. Foge.
  • He apologizes to the janitor for the food fight and to Megan and Robe for betraying them for the popular crowd.
  • He turns on the camera to expose the entire school to Jindraike's confession about his embezzlement.
  • He lectures his classmates to not be vengeful towards McGinty and Dobbs.
  • He saves the animals, including a baby goat, when Principal Jindraike attempts to run over them with a bulldozer.
  • He defeats Jindraike by releasing the animals to chase after him when they sense animal pheromones through his mouth spray.
  • Since he recorded the principal's confession, Max has Jindraike fired and imprisoned, thus saving the school from going bankrupt due to loss of money and saving the animal shelter from being fully destroyed and the animals from being run over by a bulldozer. After that, Max is recognized as a school hero.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • Max Keeble is overall an anti-hero, as while his heart is usually in the right place in the end and that he sees the errors of his ways, most of his good actions are mainly motivated by vengeance. Even if this weren't the case, he is still too mischievous to be PG or NPG.
    • Though this is out of a misguided attempt to stand up to his tormentors, he pulls pranks on them.
    • He scares McGinty in the MacGoogles costume to the point of traumatizing him.
    • His vengeful actions led to detrimental results:
      • Principal Jindraike making stricter rules and cancelling extracurricular activities permanently.
      • McGinty starting to bully Robe on a daily basis.
      • Dobbs forcing Megan to be his servant and robbing her money.
  • He committed crimes to pull off his schemes.
    • Breaking-and-Entering - He, alongside Megan and Robe, broke into the school to place animal pheromones in Principal Jindrake's breath spray.
    • Vandalism - He stole the Ice Cream Man's truck's freezing coil.
      • This makes him hypocritical in calling Jindraike out for being a criminal.
  • Max can be selfish and hedonistic at times.
    • Though this started out as being swayed by his crush Jenna, he then willingly ditched Megan and Robe's going-away party to hang out with her and the popular school kids.
      • While Max didn't mean to betray Megan and Robe and he instantly regrets hurting them, he didn't feel bad about it before they showed up. This goes to show how little value he had for his friendship with the two despite how much they care about him and the fact his desire to be cool came with the expense of his friends doesn't help matters.


  • He and Captain Jack Sparrow are the only two Live-Action Disney protagonists to be Inconsistently Admirable.
  • He was originally a Heroic Benchmark as it was thought his heroism was too standard, but he was eventually proposed and approved for Inconsistently Admirable. The proposal that got him approved was a re-proposal, as he had already been proposed and rejected for Inconsistently Admirable.

External Links[]


           Disney Logo Inconsistently Admirable

Animated Features
Disney Animated Canon
Peter Pan | Cogsworth | Iago | Philoctetes | Mushu | Vincenzo Santorini | Jumba Jookiba | Buck Cluck | Runt of the Litter | Vanellope von Schweetz | Fred | Maui | Namaari

Mike Wazowski | Dash Parr | Jack-Jack Parr | Merida | Anger | Bing Bong


Live-Action Features
Mary Poppins | Max Keeble | Captain Jack Sparrow | Hector Barbossa | Maleficent | Neytiri

Marvel Studios
Iron Man | Star-Lord | Scarlet Witch | Yondu Udonta | Kraglin Obfonteri | Eddie Brock | Venom

Animated Television
DuckTales (1987)
Scrooge McDuck | Donald Duck

Phineas and Ferb
Candace Flynn | Heinz Doofenshmirtz

Gravity Falls
Stanley Pines | Old Man McGucket

DuckTales (2017)
Scrooge McDuck | Flintheart Glomgold

Darkwing Duck | Taurus | Shego | Star Butterfly | Cricket Green | Darius Deamonne | Strange Supreme

Live-Action Television
Crash | Jessica Jones | Jake Lockley | Black Scorpion

Video Games

Donald Duck

Scrooge McDuck

See Also
20th Century Studios Inconsistently Admirable | Pixar Iconsistenly Admirable | Star Wars Inconsistently Admirable
