Inconsistently Admirable Wiki

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Inconsistently Admirable Wiki

The Master Hand awaits anyone who survives the long difficult road to the Final Destination. This symbolic link between the real world and the imaginary battlefields of Super Smash Bros. Melee is quite a handful in battle, and just because he wears a white glove doesn't mean he fights clean. Be ready to get poked, punched, flicked, and swatted like crazy!
~ Master Hand's trophy description in Super Smash Bros. Melee

Master Hand is the main recurring boss and the mascot of Super Smash Bros. series, often serving as a final boss in the Classic Mode, sometimes along with his left counterpart Crazy Hand.

He would often wait for the Smash challengers to reach the Final Destination stage to fight them. Despite often seen as an antagonist for the majority of Smash, he is shown to have his heroic moments.

He was voiced by Jeff Manning in Super Smash Bros., Dean Harrington in Super Smash Bros. Melee, Pat Cashman in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and Xander Mobus in Super Smash Bros. Wii U and 3DS and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Admirable?[]

In General[]

  • While one could argue that he is on-and-off due to being an antagonist for the majority of Smash series, he was either mostly fighting the Smash characters to test their skills and abilities or was brainwashed by other actual villains like Tabuu and Galeem. So Master Hand was never really an outright villain.
  • In Smash Wii U, he is shown to be honorable, as he gives the players rewards for completing Master Orders with a big thumbs up.
  • Since Smash series is not canon to other Nintendo and 3rd party series, he does not have to compete other Smash characters in admirability from their respective universe.

Subspace Emissary[]

  • After breaking free of Tabuu's control by Ganondorf, albeit unintentionally, he retaliated against his brainwasher but was easily defeated.

World of Light[]

  • After being defeated by Smash fighters in the Final Battle Realm, he broke free of Galeem's control.
  • He and Crazy Hand created a giant rift using their Static Discharge joint technique.
  • He enters the crack and defeated 50 Smash clones.
    • After achieving this, he changed the scenery of the Final Battle Realm and created the path for the Smash fighters, allowing them to defeat both Galeem and Dharkon and free all of the spirits.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • He's a bit of a grey character as aside from being honorable, he displayed almost no characterization. Because of this, his moral agency is far too ambiguous to be even Near Pure Good.


  • He is the only character originated from Super Smash Bros. series to be Inconsistently Admirable.
  • He is one of the very few Inconsistently Admirable characters that lacks any true corrupting qualities. He shares this trait alongside Daughter from Star Wars series.

External Links[]


           NintendoLogo Inconsistently Admirable

Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong


Star Fox
Falco Lombardi

Xenoblade Chronicles

Dragalia Lost

Conkers Bad Fur Day
Conker the Squirrel

See Also
Fire Emblem Inconsistently Admirable | Kid Icarus Inconsistently Admirable | Pokémon Inconsistently Admirable | Super Mario Inconsistently Admirable | Splatoon Inconsistently Admirable | Super Smash Bros. Inconsistently Admirable | The Legend of Zelda Inconsistently Admirable

            Super Smash Bros. Logo Inconsistently Admirable

Playable Characters
Bowser | Byleth | Cloud Strife | Dark Pit | Donkey Kong | Falco Lombardi | Kazooie | Master Hand | Mythra | Wario

Assist Trophies
Midna | Phosphora | Shadow the Hedgehog | Zero

Chris Redfield | Count Bleck | Goro Akechi | Jin Kazama | Kyo Kusanagi | Master Hand | Morgana | Mythra | Paper Bowser | Rabbid Mario | Rabbid Peach | Revali | Riku | Shadow the Hedgehog | Viridi

Giga Bowser | Master Hand

See Also
Nintendo Inconsistently Admirable
