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That M.X.E.S. security program was designed to keep it hidden, but you shut down the security. Now it's free.
~ Gregory explaining M.X.E.S.

M.X.E.S., also known as the Entity, is the secondary antagonist of Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach's sequel DLC, Ruin.

It's a sentient security program designed to keep the Mimic hidden in the decrepit Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex. After Cassie acquires the V.A.N.N.I Mask, it consistently stalks and attempts to kill her. M.X.E.S aims to prevent her from disabling the security nodes in the Pizzaplex, hindering the Mimic's escape.

Its Good Ranking[]

What Makes It Admirable?[]

  • It has kept the Mimic imprisoned deep below the PizzaPlex for a long amount of time. Due to the Mimic being a dangerous endoskeleton that has briefly controlled the PizzaPlex, possibly brainwashed Vanessa and brutally murdered numerous people, this means M.X.E.S. has saved many people from being hurt by it.
  • While trying to kill Cassie is unjustifiable, it's worth to note it meant well as she was unknowingly going to free the Mimic.
  • While it's just following its instructions, that doesn't mean it's outdone by its creator as M.X.E.S. is the one doing everything while the creator is completely absent beyond just creating it. Additionally, M.X.E.S.' creator is unknown so far and that essentially makes them a non-character.

What Makes It Inconsistent?[]

  • Overall, it's an anti-hero due to their numerous corrupting and non-heroic qualities.
    • It is very lethal as it's willing to kill and psychologically break Cassie, a young girl, to keep the Mimic imprisoned.
    • It's an extremist as it's willing to go to extreme and often dangerous lengths to contain the Mimic.
    • He also is shown to be very sadistic with him smiling through the entire DLC.
  • It has moral agency issues as it was created to imprison the Mimic, essentially making it made for good with it never proving it can change or rebel against its programming.
  • It completely lacks any personality, only silently smiling throughout the game. While it's shown to be intelligent, and sadistic, that is not enough.


  • M.X.E.S. essentially serves as a more heroic version of Glitchtrap, both being sadistic, glitching, rabbits that control the Glamrock animatronics and try to kill a child. While M.X.E.S is Inconsistently Admirable, Glitchtrap's moral scaling is currently unknown due to his ongoing story arc.
  • There is a theory that M.X.E.S is actually the Help Wanted 2 protagonist, who is speculated to also be Cassie’s Dad, Jeremy Fitzgerald, the Bonnie Bully, Help Wanted Jeremy, and the victim of the Bite of ‘87, if confirmed this would possibly make him Near Pure Good or Pure Good due to having a defined personality and goals.

External Links[]


           FNAF Logo Inconsistently Admirable

Gregory | Henry Emily

The Princess | M.X.E.S.

Five Nights at Fuckboy's: Freddy Fuckboy
Dayshift at Freddy's: Blackjack | Jack Kennedy

Web Animation
The Special Strike: The Observer
FNaF VHS: Michael Afton
Glitchtrap and Glamrock Bonnie Show: Glitchtrap

AIEchidna's Five Nights at Freddy's: Michael Afton | Jeremy Fitzgerald
