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Inconsistently Admirable Wiki
Inconsistently Admirable Wiki

I refused to turn over emergency powers and took over the Earth Kingdom because I thought I knew what was best for everyone. I was wrong. And though I wasn't fully aware of everything going on in the re-education camps, I should have been. I wanted so badly to wield power and change the world, I didn't concern myself with the consequences. I wish I could forget the terrible things I've done… the people I've hurt… but I can't. I just hope that by taking full responsibility for what I've done, I can begin to heal some of the pain I've caused.
~ Kuvira entering a guilty plea and proving she really has completely redeemed herself.

Kuvira is a major character in The Legend of Korra, serving as a minor character in Book III: Change before becoming the main antagonist of Book IV: Balance, and a major character in the graphic novel trilogy Ruins of the Empire.

Originally the Captain of the Guard in Zaofu, she took up the cause to reunite the Earth Kingdom after Zaheer's reign of terror and earned the epithet of "the Great Uniter" for her commendable work. Although she lost her way attempting to create the Earth Empire with her as Empress and Baatar Jnr. as Emperor, she eventually found the right path again and played a crucial role in defeating Commander Guan and stopping his evil.

She is voiced by Zelda Williams.

Her Good Ranking[]

What Makes Her Admirable?[]

Book Three: Change[]

  • She shows her prestige and goodwill from a young age, rising rapidly through Zaofu's security system to become Captain of the Guard. It's implied she orders the guards via radio to secure Zaofu for the evening every day.
  • When Zaheer and the Red Lotus infiltrate the city, she traps the villains in metal shafts and demands they let Avatar Korra go. When the group escapes, she searches the entire city for them.
  • After Aiwei is revealed to be a bad guy, Kuvira searches for him.
  • She bravely goes to the Northern Air Temple to help save dozens of airbenders from the Red Lotus and stop their evil for good. When Zaheer throws Tonraq off of a mountain, she casts a cable to him and saves his life.
  • When the fighting ceases temporarily, she bandages Tonraq and tends to his wounds whilst warmly introducing herself to him.
  • She volunteers to help Suyin free the airbenders from a cave, and while she's irritated about having to stay with the injured instead, she still does so.

Book Four: Balance[]

  • When the Earth Queen is assassinated by the Red Lotus, she takes it upon herself to guide the Earthbenders to peace and prosperity. The world leaders appreciate her admirable deeds and make her the nation's provisional leader. Believing progress should be shared with the whole world, she prevents poor people from starving, promotes economic growth, and gives people stable opportunities in the military. She gives them a brighter future, keeps them safe, and loves them. She is even given the epithet 'Great Uniter' for her commendable work.
  • Because Varrick is believed to be a criminal and Bolin is out of a job from pro-bending and Hollywood, she enlists both men to join her so they can have somewhere to go.
  • She becomes notable for assembling one of the world's first mechanized infantry forces.
  • She refuses to use the brainwashing tactics of the Dai Li because she knows it's wrong.
  • She would never make her followers do something that she's not willing to do herself.
  • She subdues a group of bandits and tells them this is a good day for them because they have a second chance to be good people.
  • She travels from state to state, offering supplies, defense, and technological enrichment to their respective leaders. Although, some such as the governor of Yi only accepted due to not having a choice.
  • She compliments Bolin for ending up with Opal, knowing he's always had a thing for her.
  • For her contributions to world peace, she is awarded the Kyoshi Medal of Freedom (which she disrespectfully smashes).
  • She urges Korra to convince Suyin to surrender without having to fight.
  • When Korra challenges her, she gives her a sporting chance (unaware that she's recovering from three years of metal poisoning).
  • She gives Zhu Li her genuine trust when she seemingly turns against Varrick for his prolonged mistreatment of her.
  • She embraces Baatar Jnr., promising they will marry as soon as they achieve what she believes will be their ultimate victory.
  • She is genuinely grateful when Korra saves her. She calls off the attack on Republic City, acknowledging she owes Korra a debt.
  • Overall, she thoroughly subverts her callousness since she has realized that cutting down lots of spirit trees and carelessly disrupting the spiritual balance is objectively wrong.

Ruins of the Empire[]

  • She apologizes sincerely to Baatar Jnr. and doesn't blame him for calling off their engagement even though he knew she was genuinely sorry.
  • While she doesn't initially plead guilty, she still apologizes for her heinous war crimes.
  • When Commander Guan threatens to disrupt a series of democratic elections, she offers to speak with him and convince him to stop what he's doing.
  • She helps rescue Asami and fights Commander Guan's followers, fighting alongside Suyin and Toph.
  • She teaches Baatar Jnr. how to replicate the indoctrination device Commander Guan has been using for his dark purposes. When it doesn't work with Asami, Kuvira volunteers to use it despite knowing it is extremely risky. She feels that she owes this to the family she'd betrayed, to make this sacrifice.
  • She defeats Commander Guan once and for all, putting an end to his reign of terror.
  • She accepts responsibility for her actions and enters a guilty plea.

What makes her inconsistent?[]

  • Even though she redeems herself from being a full-scale supervillain, Kuvira is still far too violent and radical, and even if one could argue it's all for a good purpose, that just amounts to "the ends justify the means."
    • She outright launched an extremely destructive invasion of Republic City, shooting down and crushing several buildings which most likely had people in them. Made worse is that she came much sooner than what was slated to be the schedule. She tried to kill her own boyfriend with a laser gun, and she indirectly got Hiroshi Sato killed. While he used to be an Equalist prior to subverting his villainous mindset, he didn't deserve to die.
    • She manhandled Commander Guan in a much more vicious way than she needed to and Asami Sato had to stop her with force.
  • She is very xenophobic, having locked people in concentration camps just for being of an ethnic origin she disapproved of.


External Links[]


           Avatar The Last Airbender LogoInconsistently Admirable

Avatar: The Last Airbender
Toph Beifong | Zuko

The Legend of Korra
Varrick | Zuko | Toph Beifong | Kuvira

See Also
Nickelodeon Inconsistently Admirable
