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Inconsistently Admirable Wiki
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Kurumi Tokisaki (in Japanese: 時崎狂三, Tokisaki Kurumi) is a major antagonist-turned-supporting character in the Date A Live franchise. While initially an antagonist, she later develops into an anti-hero and anti-villain once her true motives and backstory were revealed.

She is voiced by Asami Sanada in Japanese and Alexis Tipton in English.


This section is too long. Visit here for more details: Kurumi Tokisaki's Synopsis on the Heroes Wiki.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Her Admirable?[]

  • While she committed multiple serial killings, Kurumi did them in order to save millions from being annihilated by Isaac Peram Ray Westcott and Deus Ex Machina Industries.
  • When Tohka is kidnapped by DEM, she helps Shido save her.
  • Helps Origami travel back in time and prevent her parents from being murdered. Even though her parents die again and it revealed the one who killed her parents was none other than Origami herself.
  • Her tragic backstory revealed that she was just a young girl helping people before she encountered Mio Takamiya and brainwashed her into killing her best friend Sawa.
  • She has a soft spot for cute animals like cats. She massacred a group of teens for trying to kill a kitten, while it isn't exactly admirable, there's good intention behind it.
  • She traveled back in time 206 times to save Shido after he was killed multiple times by DEM.
  • She communicated to Shido and Kotori the date that DEM would attack so they could prepare.
  • She attacked the DEM warships before Ratatoskr does.
  • The moment Mio Takamiya emerges from her body, she shoots her own clone and sends to the future. This allows Shido to return to the past and reset the timeline while Mio killed all the spirits and retrieves their sephira.
  • When Mio emerges from her body again, she sends herself to the future, preventing a possible repeat of the same timeline.
  • She almost kills Isaac Peram Ray Westcott and steals Beelzebub from him to take it for Raziel, which is undoubtedly justified considering his evil actions.
  • She investigates the condition of Mana's body and eventually shoots her with Dalet, returning her to her state of 30 years ago. Mana's body has been subjected to many harmful experiments by DEM, meaning she will die at an early age.
  • In the manga, she officially redeems herself by allowing Shido to seal her powers so that he could stop Mio, and later attends college along with him, Origami, and the Yamai sisters.

What Makes Her Inconsistent?[]

  • Even though she redeems herself later and does multiple admirable deeds, she is still too deadly to be NPG, which makes her an anti-hero. While she has admitted her own sins, it is unclear whether she has shown complete remorse.
  • She is also an IH and has committed many infamous acts hence she why she is called "The Worst Spirit". Not to mention she sees other spirits as food.
  • Despite having comedic moments before and after her redemption she's a Game Changer who darkens the mood of the story.


  • She's the only Date A Live character to be both Inconsistently Admirable and Inconsistently Heinous.

External Links[]
