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Inconsistently Admirable Wiki

My name is Kaine. They're calling me Scarlet Spider now. Another man's name... a better man. But I'm trying.
~ Kaine regarding both Ben and Peter's legacies
The scars are gone. The degeneration is gone. But for the first time in my life... I'm not dying. For the first time in my life, I realize I don't have to be the man I see in the mirror. I may not be able to forget my past... But I can be someone better. For the first time in my life... I'm alive.
~ Kaine Parker
You don’t get it, do you? I used a move he came up with. A suit he built. In a moment he provided. I just struck down a monster at its weakest. He healed millions in their time of greatest need. It was the Spider-Man who won the day. And there is only one like him
~ Kaine

Kaine Parker is a major character in Marvel Comics. He was the first clone of Peter Parker created by the mad scientist Miles Warren (also known as the Jackal), but suffered deformities until he was cured and became the second Scarlet Spider to atone for his sins.

He was created by Terry Kavanagh and Steven Butler

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Admirable?[]

  • After consulting Jackal's files and believing that Peter was the clone while Ben was the original, he framed Ben for some murders in a misguided attempt to give Peter a chance at the life he himself wouldn't have.
  • When his spider-sense warned him that someone would try to kill MJ, he went on a killing spree taking out everyone who could be a potential threat.
  • During Peter's trial, he tried to fight all those who were against him (despite causing the trial in the first place).
  • When Peter decided to take responsibility for Kaine's crimes, he begged him not to do it and ultimately chose to do the right thing by revealing he was the one who committed the murders, being taken into custody.
  • When Peter believed himself to be the clone and allied with the Jackal, Kaine refused to let him throw his life away and confronted the Jackal to destroy him.
  • After a conversation with Mary Jane about his power and the responsibility that came with it, he returned to the Jackal's lab to help Ben fight off more Spider-Clones.
  • He sacrificed himself to save the Jackal from Spidercide and was stabbed with a spike, thanking Peter for "giving him life" and showing that he understood Peter's appreciation for life as he chose to save the Jackal despite all the pain he had caused them.
  • After being ressurrected and forced by Johnsmeyer into participating in the Great Game tournament, he refused and worked with Shannon to escape.
  • He fought off Rhino and beat him to near-death.
  • After it was revealed that Shannon was working with Johnsmeyer and deceiving Kaine, he tried to kill her but was dissuaded by Peter. Afterwards, he left and swore to take down all of the Great Game's sponsors.
  • He finally let go of his hatred for Ben and saved him from burning to death in a diner. Inspired by him and finally accepting him as his brother instead of his enemy, he willingly turned himself in over to the authorities.
  • After finding out Norman Osborn was alive and had masterminded the entire Clone Saga, he broke out of the vault with other enhanced criminals in order to stop him and worked against his agents in Europe.
  • He began to seek out Raptor in the hopes that he could cure his cellular degeneration and attacked Spider-Man in order to keep him from the villain.
  • After finding out Raptor lied about being able to cure him, Kaine turned against him and broke his neck.
  • He pretended to be Peter by wearing the Spider-Man costume during Kraven's ressurrection, sacrificing his life for Peter and letting go of his past grudge against him.
  • After being resurrected yet again, he can't be held accountable for his acts as Tarantula as he was controlled and mutated by the Jackal.
  • After being cured of both his mutations and his celular degeneration after Peter threw him into a vat with the Anti-Venom symbiote, he joined him in the effort to retaliate against the Spider-Queen.
  • He stopped several robberies and earned enough money to enter Mexico, eventually staying in Houston, Texas where he saved a young girl named Aracely from human traffickers and left her in the hospital.
  • After a superpowered villain came for Aracely, Kaine chose to save her instead of leaving Houston and used a Spider suit to face and defeat the Salamander.
  • When the people on the scene thanked him and told him they needed a hero, he chose to remain on Houston and take up the Scarlet Spider name.
  • After Carnage returned and ventured to Mexico to retrieve an item from NASA, Kaine confronted him and teamed up with Venom to catch Kasady after being transported to the Microverse.
  • He and Venom managed to defeat Carnage's symbiote army by using a weapon granted to them by the Enigma Force, successfully stopping Marquis Radu from taking control of the entire Microverse.
    • This already makes him pass the universally high admirable standard of Marvel's Prime Universe as he succesfully worked with an old foe to stop a Pure Evil villain from unleashing his Symbiote army and other experiments into the entire microverse to destroy the Enigma Force which not only binds the Microverse together but keeps Earth-616 as a whole stable, which in turn means he saved both universes from being totally anhilated and remade in Marquis Radu's image.
  • He began to hunt down and eradicate all human traffickers on Houston including Carlos Lobo and his siblings who were responsible for Aracely's abuse, and vowed to try to use his powers to stop monsters like the kind he used to be.
  • While fighting the Lobos, he sacrificed himself for Aracely and was in turn killed once again.
  • When The Other offered his strength to Kaine as Peter had rejected it, revealing he was the one who had resurrected him previously, he refused it, not wanting to become The Spider as he didn't want to return to being a monster.
  • Realizing that Aracely needed his help, he reluctantly chose to accept The Other's offer for her sake, being reborn as a spider-like creature and taking on the Lobos.
    • This shows how far he's come from not being willing to take responsibility for his crimes even if it hurt both Ben and Peter in the long run to being willing to sacrifice his entire sense of self and surrender his body and mind to the other just to keep someone else safe, showing that Kaine has slowly learned to embrace the responsibility that comes with both his powers and mantle.
  • After Aracely used her powers to make Kaine's human side resurface and rid him of the spider-like appearance, he returned to his normal lifestyle and adopted Aracely.
  • He settled his debts with the Assassin's Guild.
  • When Kraven was trying to get Kaine to kill him in order to break his immortality curse and captured his friends, Kaine rescued everyone while also delivering a fatal blow to Kraven but then bringing him back by using the same attack after paralyzing his heart, breaking the curse and allowing him to live on.
  • He chose to use his form of The Other once more to take on the Inheritor Shathra.
  • When Zoe Walsh blew up his room during his confrontation with Shathra, he saved everyone in the room including Wally, Annabelle, Aracely and even Zoe taking the chance to kill Shathra. This accident made Kaine realize that he endangered those around him and that he had to stop "playing hero", using money stolen from criminals to move to Mexico with Aracely in order to uncover her origins.
  • He retook his role as the Scarlet Spider once again in Mazaltan per Aracely's insistence and helped stop a bunch of robberies and save some people from getting mugged.
  • Though he was reluctant to work with other heroes, he was convinced by Justice that the New Guardians could help him become a better person and let go of his past mistakes, motivating him to join them in defeating the High Evolutionary and prevent him from detonating a bomb in Mt. Wundagore.
  • After he and the New Warriors are brutally attacked by Daemos who he recognizes as one of the inheritors and in turn saved by Spider-Gwen and other members of the Spider-Army. Even though he was shocked at seeing Earth-94's Ben and a living Gwen Stacy he chose to retreat to Earth-13 with them and join the Spider-Army.
  • He went to investigate the universe where the Inheritors' cloned bodies came from alongside Earth-94's Ben Reilly and Jessica Drew from Earth-1610 and successfully defeated Jennix and shut down the factory preventing the Inheritors from prolonging their lives once more, though Ben lost his life in the process.
  • Enraged by his alternate brother's death, he traveled to Earth-001 and entered the Inheritors' base where he drew upon the full power of The Other to transform into a monstrous creature and fight them, managing to defeat and kill the Inheritors' leader Solus but being stabbed in the neck by Morlun with one of his own spider-legs, once again sacrificing his life for the greater good.
  • Upon returning once more to life, he's finally able to let go of The Other though sadly this meant his celular degeneration returned.
  • As Kaine had become infected with the Carrion Virus upon resurrection and therefore the Master Weaver could not send him back, he chose to travel to several of the universes infected and destroyed by this virus in order to find a potential cure.
  • He and Spider-Gwen investigated a universe where Peter and Miles Warren attempted to work together to cure the virus before their deaths, finding a note containing research on the virus.
  • Upon returning to Loomworld and being confronted by an alternate version of himself infected with the virus, he fought him off until the virus took him out and then investigated his corpse, which helped him realize that he was actually no infected, and as such returned to Earth-616 where it seemed like a new spread of the virus would begin due to the presence of New U Technologies.
  • He and 65 Gwen infiltrated New U and kidnapped the newly resurrected 616 Gwen so that her Earth-65 counterpart could impersonate her and find more information.
  • He brought 616 Gwen to Horizon where Peter could give her some pills that prevented those resurrected by Jackal from suffering from celular degeneration when they were attacked by Electro and Rhino per Jackal's orders, with Kaine trying to stall them but being captured.
  • He and Spider-Man managed to prevent the new Jackal, who was revealed to be Ben Reilly, from spreading the carrion virus by broadcasting an opposite signal to Ben's worldwide frequency which began causing New U patients to break down. Afterwards he chose to hunt down Ben as he correctly theorized that he had survived the outbreak.
  • After tracking down Ben to Las Vegas, he confronted him and initiated a fight before Ben convinced him to temporarily leave his vengeance as he was trying to save a terminally ill child called Abigail Mercury. Kaine then let Ben try to save her and promised to not hunt him down again until the child's safety was guaranteed.
  • He did more heroic deeds while in Vegas such as saving Terry Wright's veterans shelter from being sold and rescuing Cassandra Mercury from being kidnapped.
  • Though he tried to kill Ben, this was only because Mephisto had manipulated both their memories after Ben obtained the cure to Abigail's disease, causing Ben to think that he would condemn her to immortality and Kaine to think that Ben selfishly kept the cure out of his own will. Furthermore after he actually killed Ben and his memories were restored, he immediately broke down out of remorse unaware that Ben had been brought back to life shortly after.
  • After Superior Spider-Man informed him that the Inheritors had escaped their prison and were plotting to use The Other's power, he chose to help despite having lost his connection to The Other, even suggesting they ask Ben for help.
  • He recruited Spider-People from other Earths and Jessica Drew to follow him into Earth-3145 in order to prevent Verna from bringing Solus back to life.
  • After Astro-Spider was killed by Verna who subsequently took the crystal in which Solus' soul was contained, he led the team back to Earth where they took out her hounds and took the Crystal back to Earth-616 after Jessica killed Verna. He then joined all the spiders in following Spider-Gwen into the final battle against the inheritors who were turned into babies by Peter in order to give them a chance at a good life instead of killing them.
  • After Ben as Chasm escaped his prison and began to search for a better life and regain his memories, Kaine began to track him down.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • He is an extremely lethal person who always takes violence as his chance to fix things.
    • He has killed several villains and while some are resurrected, most aren't.
    • He's also shown to have left a deep impact on those he attacks or kills, as when Doc Ock (as the Superior Spider-Man) encountered him, he instantly remembered how Kaine had violently snapped his neck.
    • He also mostly doesn't show remorse for his kills, even when he's on the wrong such as his attempt to kill Wolverine in order to steal his healing factor or working with Raptor to kill Peter due to falsely believing he was the clone.
    • He refuses to take responsibility for this as he refussed to confess for the murders of several villains, even when Peter and Ben were facing severe repercussions because of this and another example is putting Zoe Walsh's father into a come which led her to blow up his Four Seasons room while Wally Layton was inside.
    • Peter himself acknowledges that Kaine wanted to have all the power but none of the responsibility, making him a very reckless individual.
  • He has several jerkish moments such as getting into numerous fights with Peter and Ben, being needlesly rude to Aracely even if she's a child who's just trying to help him and calling Mr. Fantastic a freak due to his stretching abilities.


  • Kaine is the third IA from the Main Marvel Universe after Deadpool and Eddie Brock.

External Links[]


          Spider-Man Logo Inconsistently Admirable

Deadpool | Eddie Brock | Kaine Parker
Other Earths
Peter Parker (Earth-2149) | Venom (Venom: The End)

TV Shows
Spider-Man: The Animated Series
The Spectacular Spider-Man

Spider-Man Trilogy (2002-2007): Harry Osborn |Doctor Octopus
Spider-Man: Homecoming: Iron Man
Spider-Man: Far From Home: Iron Man
Spider-Man: No Way Home: Eddie Brock/Venom | Iron Man

Video Games
Marvel's Spider-Man: Harry Osborn | Martin Li
Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales: Harry Osborn | Tinkerer
Marvel's Spider-Man 2: Harry Osborn | Martin Li

See Also
Sony Pictures Inconsistently Admirable

           AvengersLogo Inconsistently Admirable

Deadpool | Eddie Brock | Wolverine

The Avengers: Iron Man
Avengers: Age of Ultron: Iron Man | Scarlet Witch
Avengers: Infinity War: Iron Man | Star-Lord | Scarlet Witch
Avengers: Endgame: Iron Man | Star-Lord | Scarlet Witch | Kraglin Obfonteri
