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The common people pray for rain, health and a summer that never ends. They don’t care what game the high lords play.
~ Jorah Mormont to Daenerys Targaryen.

Ser Jorah Mormont, is one of the deuteragonists in the A Song of Ice and Fire book series and its TV adaptation Game of Thrones. Initially a spy for Varys, he was also a knight and lord of Bear Island before he was sent to exile in Essos. He also began to serve as an advisor for Daenerys Targaryen.

He was portrayed by Iain Glen.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Admirable?[]

  • Fought in the Seige of Pyke and helped in ending the Greyjoy rebellion.
  • Tried to help his first wife get rich.
  • He felt immense remorse for the shame he brought to his family due to his selling of slaves.
  • Provided gifts to Daenerys for her wedding.
  • Though initially loyal to Viserys, he pledges loyalty to Daenerys upon witnessing Viserys's arrogance and egotism, drawing his sword to prevent Viserys from assassinating Daenerys and tried to convince Daenerys to not watch her brother die.
  • He stopped a wineseller from poisoning Daenerys, in spite of having been already pardoned for his crimes and allowed to return home.
  • Helps stop the Dothraki warriors from raping the local women.
  • He suggested to Daenerys to leave the Dothraki after Drogo was dying from his injuries, in order to protect her and her unborn child from being killed.
  • He defended Daenerys when Qotho, a Dothraki warrior, threatened to kill her.
  • He kept Mirri Maz Duur from being killed by a Dothraki warrior, risking his life doing so.
  • He tried to offer protection to Daenerys when she went to face Mirri after seeing how her magic left Drogo.
  • He tried to prevent Daenerys from walking through fire when he believed he would die from doing so.
  • He give information where Qarth and help for Daenerys and the Dothrakis get shelter in the city.
  • Bravely fought in the war on Yunkai.
  • Tried warning Daenerys for kill all the great masters and tried help her to get to Westeros.
  • Brought Tyrion to meet Daenerys and kept him alive in the way.
  • Stopped some greyscale warriers from killing Tyrion.
  • Fought on the great pit for getting back to Daenerys, even this was very dangerous.
  • Kill one Son of the Hharpy who tried to kill Daenerys and her allies and possible only becoase that this men stay alive.
  • He and Daario march after Daenerys to freeding her from Dothraki riders and also help to give her revolution.
  • Apologized to Daenerys about betraying her and said goodbye.
  • When he met her back he thank to Sam about his healer.
  • He volunteered for a task for capturing a white walker.
  • Gave Jon the family sword.
  • Comforted Daenerys when her dragon was killed.
  • He help Daenrys to thaw relations with Sansa and Tyrion.
  • Attempted to protect his young cousin, Lyana, to stay in shelter during the war.
  • He fought against the whites in the In the front row and even managed to come back alive when others failed.
  • In his last moments, he sacrificed his life by saving Daenerys from being stabbed by the wights.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • He is quite lethal to his enemies and even to other warriers, as displayed in the great pit fight.
  • He was suspicious of several advisors who tried to help Daenerys like Barristan Selmy or Daario Naharis, since he wanted to be the most loyal advisor.
  • He has committed several heinous acts such as slavery and kidnapping Tyrion.

External Links[]


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Animated Features
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Live-Action Features
The Man With No Name | Seymour Krelborn | Martin Riggs | Batman | James Carter | Severus Snape | Willy Wonka | V | King Leonidas | Harvey Dent | Godzilla | King Kong | Emma Russell | Wonder Woman | Harley Quinn | Tom Cat | Jerry Mouse | Bloodsport | Black Adam

Live-Action Television
Will Smith | Emmet Reese (Remake) Roger the Raccoon (Remake) Emilithra Thorn (Remake) Emma Reese | Rosie the Raccoon | Ethalith Thorn

Animated Television
Batman | Harley Quinn | Mr. Freeze | Lex Luthor | Raven | Anakin Skywalker | Mace Windu | Luke Skywalker | Han Solo | Bo-Katan Kryze | Daughter | Father | Mordecai | Rigby | Muscle Man | Robin | Starfire | Cyborg | Beast Boy | Raven | Tom Cat | Jerry Mouse | Johnny Test

Bugs Bunny | Daffy Duck | Sylvester J. Pussycat, Sr. | Tom Cat | Jerry Mouse

Rigby | Bugs Bunny

See Also
Cartoon Network Inconsistently Admirable | Legendary Entertainment Inconsistently Admirable | Looney Tunes Inconsistently Admirable | Batman Inconsistently Admirable | Teen Titans Inconsistently Admirable | Powerpuff Girls Inconsistently Admirable | A Song of Ice and Fire Inconsistently Admirable | Regular Show Inconsistently Admirable | Template:Emmet Reese & Roger Inconsistently Admirable

           A Song of Ice and Fire Logo Inconsistently Admirable

Jaime Lannister

TV Shows
Daenerys Targaryen | Jon Snow | Tyrion Lannister | Arya Stark | Bran Stark | Theon Greyjoy | Jaime Lannister | Jorah Mormont | Brienne of Tarth | Melisandre

See Also
Warner Bros. Inconsistently Admirable
