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Bravo six, going dark.
~ Captain Price's most famous quote
We get dirty, and the world stays clean. That's the mission.
~ Captain Price to Gaz

Captain Jonathan "John" Price is one of the main characters of the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reboot series. A SAS Captain who has established himself a veteran of warfare, Captain Price is the commander of Bravo Six who played an important role in the war against the Al-Qatala and General Roman Barkov. After the general was eliminated, he founded Task Force 141 to deal with other threats, and lead the team in eliminating Victor Zakhaev in Verdansk. In 2022, Price leads his task force to stop Hassan Zyani from launching ballistic missiles against the United States to retaliate for General Ghorbrani's assassination.

He was voiced by Barry Sloane.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Admirable?[]

In General[]

  • While he has a lot of brutal and agressive moments, he doesn't necessarily show any form of pleasure in it, and according to his philosophy, it is the only way to "keep the world clean", which he explains to Gaz when the latter starts questioning his methods.
  • Just like the original Price, he cares about his men more than anything, as shown when he swore to Soap's ashes that he'll avenge his death.


  • Went on an assassination mission against the dangerous terrorist Imran Zakhaev alongside Captain McMillain in Pripyat. It's unknown whether they killed him or not.
  • Lead a team to rescue Farah, Hadir, and many other prisoners from General Barkov's prison, and helped them set camp in the mountains to organnize a resistance against Barkov.
  • Stopped many terrorists and rescued hostages over the years during his carreer in the SAS.
  • Stopped Makarov's terrorist attack at the Verdansk stadium and arrested the latter, taking him to the chopper where he would be taken to the gulag.
  • Convinced Soap to not kill Makarov after finding out he'd blown up the stadium and calm down. Even if by sparing Makarov it'd cause more trouble Price was trying to act reasonably.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare[]

  • Tried to stop the terrorist attack at the Picadilly Circus in London, rescuing several hostages and saving Gaz from a terrorist at some point.
  • Was forced to throw a hostage over a ledge after being unable to defuse the bomb vest on him in order to protect the other hostages.
  • Raided a house full of Al-Qatala terrorists, stopped them from detonnating a bomb at some point, and found intel on the Wolf's location
  • When the Butcher raided the Embassy where the Wolf was held captured, Price and Gaz came to help Alex and Farah fend off against Al-Qatala, also saving dozens of employees and hostages at the same time.
  • Went to the Highway of Death to rescue Farah and Alex when Hadir betrayed them.
  • Raided the Wolf's safehouse, and helped Farah and Alex kill him.
  • Was mad at Colonel Norris' decision of labelling the ULF as hostiles despite them not being terrorists.
  • Went to St. Petersburgh where they captured and stopped the Butcher from unleashing gas and commit terrorism.
  • When torturing the Butcher, Price tells Gaz that he doens't have to stay and assist it, probably to avoid him being traumatized at the view of threatening the Butcher's family.
  • Raided Barkov's mansion when it was raided by Hadir and managed to capture him.
  • Raided Barkov's gas factory and destroyed it, and also helped Farah get on Barkov's chopper and kill him.
  • Stopped Victor Zakhaev from launching a missile to start a war, and temporarily defeated him by throwing him into the bottom of the silo.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II[]

  • Infiltrated a boat held by Al-Qatala in Armsterdam alongside Gaz, captured a high-profile target, and found out via a cellphone that Hassan Zyani was dealing with the Las Almas Cartel.
  • Travelled to Spain to find one of Hassan's missiles and when it wasn't here and Laswell was kidnapped, Price contacted Farah and Nikolai to help him and Gaz rescue her.
  • Helped Soap, Ghost, Alejandro, and Rodolfo escape from the Shadow Company after getting betrayed by them.
  • Confronted Shepherd via a computer call and called him out for trying to get rid of them to tie up lose ends and told him he'd come for him once he was done dealing with Graves and Hassan.
  • Formed Ghost Team and gathered forces to take down Graves and find the last missile's location.
  • Went to Chicago to kill Hassan and stop him from launching the last missile himself.
  • Went to Atomgrad alongside Gaz and Farah to rescue Alex and stop Hadir from launching a nuclear warhead to star a war with Konni.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III[]

  • Went to Konni's secret base to stop them from launching 2 chemical missiles, with one being succesfully stopped while the other one was launched in direction of a Russian HQ. When Price learns that Laswell is in the base, he warns her and tells her to get out of there.
  • Called out Farah for siding with Shadow Company due to the fact that they tried to kill his men, and warned her that Graves and his men were dangerous.
  • He felt remorse for sparing Makarov and thought he should've killed him when he had the chance.
  • Raided Makarov's safehouse in St. Petersburgh and captured Makarov's right-hand Andrei Nolan, whom they interrogate.
  • Rescued Shepherd and ordered him to give them intel on Makarov and tell the Congress the truth about Shadow Company and to make sure that nobody thinks that the ULF is a terrorist group.
  • Raided one of Konni's bases and shot down the chopper Makarov was supposed to be in. When Shepherd tells them to exfil and is persuaded that Makarov is dead, Price disagrees with him but decides to wait until Makarov makes his next move.
  • Stalked a hacker in London working for Konni and managed to find out Makarov was setting up a bomb in the subway. They manage to defuse it until Makarov shows up to kill Soap and wound Price.
  • Confronted and killed Shepherd in his office to make him pay for Soap's death, and also for not respecting their deal.
  • By the end of the game, it's assumed Price will keep hunting down Makarov and possibly Graves as well.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • While not as anti-heroic as his original counterpart, he is still too lethal to count as NPG, as he kills and tortures his enemies in very brutal ways, threatens to hang Colonel Norris with his own string, and even comes to threaten the Butcher's family which is far too mitigating. He is also ruthless and aggressive in combat.

External Links[]


           Call of Duty Logo Inconsistently Admirable

Modern Warfare
John Price (Original | Reboot)

Black Ops
Alex Mason | Viktor Reznov | Bell
