Inconsistently Admirable Wiki

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Inconsistently Admirable Wiki

But for my part I will risk no hurt to this thing: of all the works of Sauron the only fair. It is precious to me, though I buy it with great pain.
~ Isildur about the One Ring.

Isildur is a major character in J.R.R. Tolkien's novel The Lord of the Rings. He is a prince of the kingdom of Númenor, who takes part in man and elf-kind's war against the Dark Lord Sauron, and who cuts the One Ring from Sauron's hand. His refusal to destroy the Ring has gar-reaching consequences for Middle-earth, and sets the story in motion. His descendant Aragorn leads the war against the resurgent Sauron thousands of years later.

Him Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Admirable?[]

  • He fought alongside his army and the elves's in an attempt to destroy Sauron for good.
  • Was horrified when his father got killed and went to his rescue.
  • Freed Middle Earth from Sauron after defeating him by cutting off the One Ring.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • He got corrupted by the One Ring, refused to destroy it, and ended up causing the chain of events that caused the War of the Ring, that despite ending up in a good way, killed numerous people. Although Tolkien stated that the Ring's power is too strong in Mout Doom, in the film version, Galadriel especifically states the "heart of men is weak", so it is clear that, regardless of Tolkien's take on it, Peter Jackson painted him as a weak man who gave in way too easily, with no shown resistance against the ring's influence, despite it being the weapon of the Dark Lord who killed his father and who he swore to destroy.

External Links[]


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Isildur | Thorin Oakenshield | Galadriel
