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Inconsistently Admirable Wiki
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I have killed many people, old wizard, for many reasons. But killing you felt just. It felt like repairing the world a little. I liked that feeling. For a long time, I was content to be the knife that others wielded. But lately, old wizard, I have felt more like the hand than the knife.
~ Isaac discovering his inner goodness.
I have come to wonder that perhaps Dracula did not run things well. Even before his wife died. He lived in one long night, and never the future. I think perhaps he earned his rest... and that we should not disturb it. I will instead build something new on all these old bones. Something where people can live for a future. I'm going to live.
~ Isaac convincing Hector to allow Dracula to rest in peace.

Isaac is a major character in Netflix’s Castlevania, serving as the closest follower of Count Dracula. Despite starting as a villain in season 2, he slowly became more heroic and forged his own path in life. He is loosely based on the character with the same name from the video game series.

Isaac is voiced by Adetokumboh M'Cormack in English and Mitsuaki Madono in Japanese.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Admirable?[]

  • In general, Isaac is an affable person when not provoked and only kills people when he is forced to, being cordial with everyone else. For example, Isaac killed a bunch of bandits that threatened him and planned to either sell his body parts or eat him. Another one would be the many guards that constantly threatened him despite not causing harm.
  • He deeply respects Dracula and is very loyal to him. Dracula in turn viewed him as his only friend, while Isaac still respected him in a formal manner.
  • Even as a villain, he was a well-intentioned extremist because he thought that Dracula's war would bring peace to the world and free it from the corruption of humans.
  • He killed Godbrand for his treachery, who foolishly tried to get him to switch sides.
  • He was willing to sacrifice his mortal life to protect Dracula when Trevor and his group invaded the castle.
  • After Dracula’s demise, he forged his own path and decided that the best way to help and impact the world is by helping people and killing those who become a threat to others.
    • Single-handedly killed the Magician, a sadistic individual who enslaved a town full of innocent people.
    • Took down Carmilla and her army, who were willing to enslave all humans.
  • He forgives Hector and understands that he was manipulated by Carmilla.
  • At the end of the series, Isaac reconnects his relationship with Hector and tells him that he decided to live and wants to help the world, starting with reforming Styria, having overthrown Carmilla and taken her place.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • Is consistently shown to be rather brutal and merciless in fights, such as ripping off the face of a bandit and poking in the eyes of his former master.
  • He turned his enemies into night creatures and raised his own army, having used these to perform his heroics in the later parts of the show, and shows no remorse for this despite redeeming himself.
  • Never displayed remorse for killing the legions of people he did throughout Season 3, even though their reasons for distrusting him can be seen as understandable.


  • As of now, Isaac, Trevor Belmont, and Alucard are the only Castlevania characters to be Inconsistently Admirable.
  • Ironically, Isaac redeems himself by the end of the series but his game counterpart dies as a villain, who was manipulated by Dracula.

External Links[]


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TV Shows
Trevor Belmont | Isaac | Alucard | Hector

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Animated Features

Live-Action Features
Light Turner | Bee

Animated Television
Anakin Skywalker | Mace Windu | Luke Skywalker | Han Solo | Bo-Katan Kryze Daughter | Father | Snotlout Jorgenson | Heather | Dagur the Deranged | Viggo Grimborn | Melvin Sneedly | Avizandum | Akiyu | Catra | Blue | Trevor Belmont | Isaac | Alucard | Hector | Johnny Test | Zeus | Reagan Ridley | Klaus Dumont | Mugman | Tails Nine

Live-Action Television
Martin Brenner | Sam Owens | Mike Wheeler | Erica Sinclair | Clay Jensen | Zach Dempsey | Hazel | Dodge | Kinsey Locke | Morizono Aguni | Cho Sang-woo | Christopher Scarver | Wednesday Addams

See Also
Castlevania Inconsistently Admirable | DreamWorks Inconsistently Admirable | Stranger Things Inconsistently Admirable | Universal Studios Inconsistently Admirable
