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Inconsistently Admirable Wiki
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Ian Andrew Hecox and Daniel Anthony Padilla are the main protagonists of Smosh, they are long-timer best friends who lived together and do various stuff depending in each videos like saving the world or playing video games.

Their Good Ranking[]

What Makes Them Admirable?[]

  • They tried to save Santa Claus, but after they found out he was evil and was going to attempt to blow up the world with an exploding stuffed bear, they tried to remind him of the good children but failed.
  • In A SMOSHY Christmas Part 2, after Ian killed Santa, who is revealed to now be evil, they decided to save Christmas by delivering presents in a Harrier jet to all the children in the world since Santa couldn’t do it since he was dead. (Although, that was just a story Anthony was telling Ian)
  • Nintega Part 2: Using the Konami code, they defeated the Nintega, who attempted to become the most powerful entity in the world, even if it meant wiping out humanity.
  • In Super Smosh: Octopus Rift Part 2, they attacked Mother Octopus who attempted to exterminate all humans, by using the blue shell which killed her and her army.
  • In Charlie the Drunk Guinea Pig, they both found Charlie in a dumpster and they adopted him.

What Makes Them Inconsistent?[]

  • Despite being friends, they often torture each other, much like in REAL VOODOO DOLL! and have murdered each other in REAL LIFE DEATH NOTE! (though the latter can be justfied for Anthony since Ian was becoming an extremist).
  • They are anti-heroic due to the things described below.
  • They are on & off due to often switching from good to evil in several videos.
    • They even became villains or anti-villains in several videos as REAL DEATH NOTE! and MANSPIDER!.
  • Despite killing villains for the greater good, they both killed innocent people, such as Ian killing a man because he thinked he had a pedo stache and Anthony once punched a man so hard that he fell to his death.
  • In A SMOSHY Christmas Part 2, despite saving Christmas and giving all the presents, they did it while also bombing the children's houses. (Although, that was just a story Anthony was telling Ian).
  • Since they often die in videos only to be back for the next video, this means their videos lack a story.


  • They are the only Inconsistently Admirable characters the real life Ian and Anthony have ever played.

External Links[]
