NOTE: This page only contains information about the versions appearing in the TV series and movie, as the book version of Henry has a separate page, so this page should only contain information about those 2 versions.
~ Horrid Henry's catchphrase
Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah!
~ Henry's most famous quote
When I'm King...
~ Horrid Henry's running joke through the series
Horrid Henry is the titular main protagonist of the children's cartoon 'Horrid Henry'. While he is often very mischievous, and is often depicted as villainous, he has many admirable qualities and has shown that he is not as horrid as people make him out to be.
He is voiced by Lizzie Waterworth in the TV-series and Theo Stevenson in the movie.
Saves his school, as well as Ashton Primary, numerous times.
In the movie, saves them by going on 'Too Cool For School' which could ruin his reputation if he loses and he knows it is very difficult to win.
Genuinely loves his hamster 'Fang' and goes out of his way to help Fang in numerous situations.
Genuinely loves his brother Peter, and appoints him as part of his Purple Hand Gang which shows this despite the fact he's unpopular.
Saves Peter from a Rottweiler dog chasing him, which could've lead to Peter's death.
Saves Peter from a shelf falling onto him, which could've lead to serious injury for Peter.
These 2 saves separate Henry from other characters in the show and make him easily pass the admirable standard.
Sticks up for Peter against Bossy Bill, standing up for him.
Trains Peter to beat up Bossy Bill and ends up finding a way to do so.
Is generally affable towards most people.
Seems to care for his cat Fluffy as he apologises whenever he has to give her bad food.
Has a somewhat tragic story as he is mistreated by his parents and most of the things he. does are because of them.
However, still shows his love for his parents numerous times.
What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]
Is generally far too mischievous to be PG or even NPG. There's a reason he's called Horrid Henry after all.
His care for Peter is often subverted - and while it is there, he still mistreats Peter numerous times.
Constantly uses his peers for his schemes and usually doesn't care if they don't want to do so.
Constantly talks about becoming King where he intends to rule with an iron fist - though this is a minor prevention as he is only young and this is likely just his imagination.
Is constantly short-tempered and selfish.
Constantly falls out with people if they don't do what he wants.
Mistreats his neighbour Moody Margaret - though this is often justified.
Mistreats his pet cat.
Is egotistical and an anti-hero who has done some really heinous things within the standard of the show.
He manipulated Peter into trying to get injured multiple times to win some money.
His movie counterpart by itself is less admirable than his series counterpart - but the movie is considered canon to the series so he still counts.
Henry's series counterpart is far more toned down than in the books - while he counts as IA in the books, he barely qualifies due to saving Peter like in the series - but he's far more depraved and psychopathic in the books.
He is so far the only Horrid Henry character to be considered Inconsistently Admirable, as others have not been proposed.