Inconsistently Admirable Wiki

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Inconsistently Admirable Wiki

I'm a time traveling explorer! No area is too dangerous for me and my umbrella. My mission is to find all the time pieces so I can go home!
~ Manual description of Hat Kid

Hat Kid is the main protagonist of A Hat in Time. She is a human-like alien who travels through space using time pieces as fuel. One day, the mafia broke in and stole all her time pieces, leading Hat Kid to descend so that she can get her time pieces back and go back home.

Her spoken lines were done by Apphia Yu.

Her Good Ranking[]

What Makes Her Admirable?[]

  • She saved Mustache Girl from Mafia Goons and later from the Mafia Boss.
  • She saved Mafia Town by turning off the lava faucets.
  • She served as the star in DJ Grooves and the Conductor's movies. While she mostly wanted her Time Pieces, she still got either to win.
  • She stopped The Conductor/DJ Grooves from using a time piece to mess with time for their own petty purposes.
  • She defeated the Snatcher when he tried to kill her for "fulfilling her usefulness".
  • She saved Alpine Skyline from a dangerous virus.
  • She saved the world from Mustache Girl when she tried to conquer it with her newfound control over time, and stopped her from becoming a tyrant.
  • If the player chooses to, Hat Kid can throw a time piece down to a defeated Mustache Girl despite the dangers of doing so, knowing that her intentions with said time piece are ultimately good.
  • She kissed a boo-boo a seal got.
  • She saved the lives of every member on the SS Literally Can’t Sink when it was sinking. While she was the reason it was sinking in the first place, she still went out of her way to fix her mistake by saving everyone there.
  • She managed to get the Empress arrested (albeit unintentionally).
  • While she may seem to be anti-heroic as most of her heroic deeds are done simply out of a want to get back home, with her showing little interest in the idea of bettering the world she was in (as seen in her falling out with Mustache Girl), and even going as far as to perform morally ambiguous acts such as sacrificing several people who were suffering a fate worse than death to the Fire Spirits all for the sake of getting what she wants, she subverts this at the end of the game as after she defeats Mustache Girl and takes back her Time Pieces, instead of abandoning the world and leaving it as a lava apocalypse while she had the chance, she uses her Time Pieces to restore the world back to it's original state despite having no reason to.

What Makes Her Inconsistent?[]

  • She has shown a mischievous and sadistic side, as seen when she throws herself into mud and proceeds to scare the Goofy Mafia to the point where he gives her the time piece he had out of fear.


  • She is currently the only A Hat in Time character to be Inconsistently Admirable.
  • She is a parallel to Mustache Girl who is Inconsistently Heinous.