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Inconsistently Admirable Wiki

Harley Quinn is a major antagonist in Batman: The Animated Series. She is the sidekick and self-proclaimed girlfriend of the Joker and is often abused by the latter. Despite being a villain most of the time, Harley has occasionally teamed up with the heroes.

She was voiced by the late Arleen Sorkin.

Her Good Ranking[]

What Makes Her Admirable?[]

  • Despite mostly being a villain, Harley is nothing but polite to just about everyone she meets even Batman.
  • During the episode Harlequinade:
    • Harley teams up with Batman to stop Joker from nuking Gotham. Even though her alliance with Batman is flimsy at best, ultimately Harley plays a major role in saving the day.
    • She untied Batman and Robin after realizing that the nuke would kill her friends and pet hyenas, proving this act wasn't self-serving.
    • After Batman and Robin disarm the bomb, The Joker shoots at it with the intent to set it off. Harley personally stops him by knocking him out, saving all of Gotham and its millions of inhabitants in the process. With fewer resources than Batman or Mr. Freeze.
  • In Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker, Harley is last seen scolding her granddaughters, the Dee Dee twins, for following in her footsteps. Showing that she regrets her life of crime and wanted her granddaughters to be better than her.

What Makes Her Inconsistent?[]

  • She's mostly a villain, as she works for the Joker in most of her appearances.
  • She helped Joker kidnap and torture Tim Drake for three weeks straight. While Harley does redeem herself by the time of Batman Beyond and regrets her former life as a criminal, it's still far too immoral for NPG, let alone PG.

External Links[]


           WBLogo Inconsistently Admirable

Animated Features
Tom Cat | Jerry Mouse | Batman | Mr. Freeze | Harley Quinn | Raven | Mordecai | Rigby | Muscle Man | Batman | Robin | Starfire | Cyborg | Beast Boy | Raven

Live-Action Features
The Man With No Name | Seymour Krelborn | Martin Riggs | Batman | James Carter | Severus Snape | Willy Wonka | V | King Leonidas | Harvey Dent | Godzilla | King Kong | Emma Russell | Wonder Woman | Harley Quinn | Tom Cat | Jerry Mouse | Bloodsport | Black Adam

Live-Action Television
Will Smith | Emmet Reese (Remake) Roger the Raccoon (Remake) Emilithra Thorn (Remake) Emma Reese | Rosie the Raccoon | Ethalith Thorn

Animated Television
Batman | Harley Quinn | Mr. Freeze | Lex Luthor | Raven | Anakin Skywalker | Mace Windu | Luke Skywalker | Han Solo | Bo-Katan Kryze | Daughter | Father | Mordecai | Rigby | Muscle Man | Robin | Starfire | Cyborg | Beast Boy | Raven | Tom Cat | Jerry Mouse | Johnny Test

Bugs Bunny | Daffy Duck | Sylvester J. Pussycat, Sr. | Tom Cat | Jerry Mouse

Rigby | Bugs Bunny

See Also
Cartoon Network Inconsistently Admirable | Legendary Entertainment Inconsistently Admirable | Looney Tunes Inconsistently Admirable | Batman Inconsistently Admirable | Teen Titans Inconsistently Admirable | Powerpuff Girls Inconsistently Admirable | A Song of Ice and Fire Inconsistently Admirable | Regular Show Inconsistently Admirable | Template:Emmet Reese & Roger Inconsistently Admirable

           DCAU logo Inconsistently Admirable

Batman | Harley Quinn | Lex Luthor | Mr. Freeze

           TheBatman Inconsistently Admirable


Theatrical Movies
Batman (1989): Batman
Batman Returns: Batman
Batman Forever: Batman
Batman & Robin: Batman
The Dark Knight: Harvey Dent | Ginty
The Dark Knight Rises: Harvey Dent
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: Wonder Woman
Suicide Squad: Harley Quinn
The LEGO Batman Movie: Batman

Direct-to-video Movies
Batman: Year One: Batman
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns: Batman

Batman: The Animated Series: Batman | Harley Quinn | Mr. Freeze
Harley Quinn: King Shark

Video Games
Arkhamverse: Batman
Batman: The Telltale Series: Batman
Injustice: Harley Quinn

Batman | Joker

           Download-Superman-Logo-PNG-001 Inconsistently Admirable

Theatrical Movies
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: Wonder Woman

Superman: The Animated Series: Harley Quinn | Lex Luthor
