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Inconsistently Admirable Wiki
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Who Was In The Wrong? Me? Or This World? It Was Probably Both.
~ Grisha reflecting on his ideology.

Grisha Yeager is a major character in the Attack on Titan anime/manga series, acting as a posthumous protagonist for most of the series. He is the father of Zeke and Eren Yeager, as well as inheritor of the Attack Titan.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Admirable?[]

  • Joined and later led the Eldian Restorationists to restore freedom and rights for Eldians and fight the oppressive Marleyan government.
  • Was a heroic doctor to Eldia, using the medical education he received from Marley to treat and cure patients for many years. With this, he saved Shiganshina District from an epidemic spreading throughout the city, directly saving Carla, her parents, and Hannes' wife.
  • Genuinely loved his first wife Dina and his first son Zeke, despite prioritizing his ambitions over bonding with Zeke.
  • Cared greatly for his second son, Eren, and second wife, Carla. He also took in an orphaned girl named Mikasa.
  • Felt extreme remorse for his villainous actions, such as abusing Zeke, pushing his family from Liberio into "hell", and killing Reiss family children.
  • Helped stopping Eren’s catastrophic Rumbling and saving humanity, including his people from Liberio and the Marleyans he used to despise when he was young.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • He’s an extremist who was willing to use drastic methods to accomplish his goals, including denying the sins Eldian ancestors and using his own son, Zeke, as a child soldier and emotionally neglecting him. He also would later murder the Reiss family children so they couldn’t repopulate.


  • As a result of Attack On Titan's heavy focus on moral ambiguity, Grisha Yeager is one of several characters in the series to count as both Inconsistently Heinous and Inconsistently Admirable, the others being Karl Fritz and Eren Yeager.

External Links[]


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Eren Yeager | Armin Arlert | Erwin Smith | Levi Ackerman | Karl Fritz | Grisha Yeager | Reiner Braun | Zeke Yeager
