Inconsistently Admirable Wiki

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Inconsistently Admirable Wiki

Seeing it from the outside and not taking part in it really hurts my soul. If I had one
~ Glitchtrap while watching videos

Glitchtrap is the main protagonist of the reaction videos The Glitchtrap and Glamrock Bonnie Show which is a sister channel to the Freddy and Funtime Freddy Show.

His Good Ranking[]

What makes him admirable?[]

  • He tried to defeat Malhare by creating an anti-virus that would kill him.
  • His attempt to stop Malhare was because he was planning on releasing a giant monster that would wreck havoc around the world.
  • Even though the anti-virus failed, he managed to defeat Malhare by imprisioning him in a jail that he can never escape from, saving the world from mass destruction.
  • He forgave Glamrock Bonnie for killing him, in the afterlife.

What makes him inconsistent?[]

  • He is On & Off as he has done many villainous acts such as:
    • Experimenting on Glamrock Bonnie.
    • Releasing Malhare from his imprisionment so he could fuse with him for the sole purpose of killing Circus Baby.
    • Scaming Funtime Freddy, which caused Freddy Fazbear to become broke and Shadow Freddy to come out.
  • He is a narcissist and has way too many jerkish and arrogant moments to be NPG.
  • He loves to murder and takes a sadistic pleasure in doing so, which makes him lethal.
  • He shows no remorse for any of his murders.


  • He is the only version of William Afton to be Inconsistently Admirable, and one of the extremely few versions of the character to be heroic at all.


           FNAF Logo Inconsistently Admirable

Gregory | Henry Emily

The Princess | M.X.E.S.

Five Nights at Fuckboy's: Freddy Fuckboy
Dayshift at Freddy's: Blackjack | Jack Kennedy

Web Animation
The Special Strike: The Observer
FNaF VHS: Michael Afton
Glitchtrap and Glamrock Bonnie Show: Glitchtrap

AIEchidna's Five Nights at Freddy's: Michael Afton | Jeremy Fitzgerald
