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Inconsistently Admirable Wiki

I am Ferdinand von Aegir.
~ Ferdinand's catchphrase and most famous quote.
You leave me nothing. This was ever my burden to bear. Father. are just a traitor now. In light of your crimes against the Empire...the punishment is death!
~ Ferdinand about to execute his father.

Ferdinand Von Aegir is a major character of Fire Emblem: Three Houses and Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. He served as a major character in the Crimson Flower Route in Three Houses, one of the two tritagonists (alongside Hubert von Vestra) in the Scarlet Blaze Route in and a major antagonist in both Golden Wildfire and Azure Gleam routes in Three Hopes.

He is a member of the Black Eagles house, and heir to the Prime Minister of the Adrestian Empire. Frequently clashing with his House Leader, Edelgard, he aims to make sure she becomes the best empress she can be, while upholding his vaunted ideals of nobility.

He was voiced by Taito Ban in the Japanese version of both Three Houses and Three Hopes, while in the English, he was voiced by the late Billy Kametz.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Admirable?[]

  • He is always kind and well-meaning to his fellow students, frequently taking on tasks for their benefit even when he doesn't need to. Whenever they criticize him or his personality, he always takes it upon himself to improve.
  • While he frequently talks about his ideals of what it means to be a noble, he truly means everything he says, and said ideals are nothing but virtuous. He thinks a noble should be hardworking, genuine, and try to see things from a commoner's perspective, all of which apply to him.
  • After the timeskip, when his house is stripped of its power, Ferdinand comes to realise his own limitations and becomes more sensitive to other people, making more of an effort to understand the position of those around him.
  • Despite not liking his father, he does acknowledge that many of the things he's done have been good for the Empire, and expresses sympathy for him when he is stripped of his status.
  • In Three Hopes, when his father is outed as a traitor to Adrestia, Ferdinand is the one to execute him, choosing to do so. He takes no pleasure in this act, viewing it as his duty.
  • On routes where he is recruited by Byleth, he will willingly fight against his own country because he believes the war they are waging is not right.
  • Many of his support conversations and endings show him to be a real stand-up guy:
    • In his ending with Byleth, he works hard to restore not only the lands of Aegir, but also House Hrym, a fallen house unrelated to his own.
    • Many of his endings feature him contributing to relief efforts after the war is over, such as his endings with Dorothea, Bernadetta and Marianne.
    • In his ending with Petra, he chooses to renounce his claim to the title of Prime Minister in favour of becoming Minister of Foreign Affairs, where he and Petra work tirelessly to strengthen the bond and forge a powerful alliance between Adrestia and Brigid.
    • All of his married endings, without fail, show him as an incredibly loving husband to whoever he ends up married to. Special mention goes to his endings with Hilda, where he is said to frequently craft handmade trinkets for her knowing her love of fashionable items like that, and Marianne, where he commissions a bronze statue of her to honor her and her achievements.
    • In his supports with Constance, his childhood friend who has lost her noble house and seeks to restore it, he first comforts her, only for her to scold him harshly for offering mere platitudes rather than taking action (which was exacarbated by Constance's own arrogance and strained friendship with him). By their A support, however, he does exactly that, offering to stand by her side and restore her house together. In their ending, they do just that, and are wholly successful.
  • He stands out as, while other characters like Edelgard (arguably), Dimitri, Claude and Byleth are more admirable, Ferdinand has fewer resources than them, and still manages to ascend well over the baseline.
  • He shows a lot of care towards Ladislava, being noticeably distraught by her death in non-Black Eagle routes, should she die first. Additionaly in Hopes' Golden Wildfire he only leaves her behind at her insistence to protect him and does that with genuine sorrow.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • While he never truly looks down on anyone, he is noticeably quite arrogant, frequently singing his own praises, and as a result he tends to be unintentionally insensitive to the feelings of others.
  • He is typically just as lethal as the rest of the characters the player deploys. After his first kill his only reaction is gloating about his superiority to the bandits in stark contrast to (for example) Linhardt, Dorothea, Bernadetta or Sylvain's reaction of disgust or horror to their kill.
  • His status is very much dependent on the player's choice, as in Crimson Flower, and on any other route if he is not recruited to the player's house, he is fully complicit in the war waged by Edelgard, fighting on her side despite her being the aggressor. This is further reinstated in Three Hopes becoming one of her closest retainers and in both Golden Wildfire and Azure Moon leads the invasion of Leicester.


  • Ferdinand is one of two characters from Fire Emblem: Three Houses to be Inconsistently Admirable, with the other one being Byleth. Interestingly, both of them are prevented from being Near Pure Good by their actions in the Crimson Flower route, where they are complicit in Edelgard's war and aid her the whole way through.

External Links[]


Fireemblem Inconsistently Admirable

Byleth (Crimson Flower Route) | Edelgard von Hresvelg | Ferdinand von Aegir | Inigo | Severa | Owain

See Also
Nintendo Inconsistently Admirable
