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It might be that this idea is only the beginning of wisdom, and not its final form.
~ Edward Kenway.
For years I've been rushing around, taking whatever I fancied, not giving a tinker's curse for those I hurt. Yet here I am... with riches and reputation, feeling no wiser than when I left home. Yet when I turn around, and look at the course I've run... there's not a man or woman that I love left standing beside me.
~ Edward Kenway.

Edward Kenway is a major protagonist in the Assassin's Creed franchise, serving as the titular overarching protagonist of the Kenway Saga.

He served as the main protagonist of the 2013 video game Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, and the overarching protagonist of both the 2012 video game Assassin's Creed III, and the novel Assassin's Creed: Forsaken.

He is an English privateer, pirate and assassin, the son of farmer Bernard Kenway, the father of the colonial Templar known as Haytham Kenway. the grandfather of the colonial Assassin known as Connor Kenway and a distant ancestor of Desmond Miles, as well as the captain of the ship "Jackdaw".

He is voiced by Matt Ryan.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Admirable?[]

  • He is a loving family man who takes great care of his wife and children.
  • He participated in a conspiracy between high—ranking Templars in the British and Spanish Empires, who, hiding behind anti-piracy actions in the Caribbean, wanted to find a Sage - later turned out to be Bartholomew Roberts, who is the only one who can lead them to the Observatory, a device of the First Civilization that can monitor any person anywhere in the world when he is given a blood sample, and the Templars were going to use the Observatory to spy and blackmail world leaders.
  • He kills the traitorous assassin Duncan Walpole, and seeing an opportunity to make a profit, Edward takes Walpole's place.
  • He was forced to pursue the Sage and the conspirators from the Yucatan Peninsula to Jamaica. Eventually, Edward catches up with Roberts on the island of Principe off the African coast.
  • He tried to prevent the Templars from using the situation of the collapse of Libertalia for their own purposes, but to no avail.
  • After Roberts' betrayal, Edward escapes and joins the Order of Assassins.
  • He pursues and kills Roberts and the Templar conspirators, after which he finds the artifact and returns it to the Observatory, sealing it forever, and thereby preventing the villains from spying and blackmailing world leaders.
  • He was saddened by the death of his wife, and after all his adventures, he returned to England, where he was reunited with his family, but before that, promising A-Tabai that he would continue to fight the Templars at home.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • Like other assassins, he is too lethal and cruel for an NPG, and more often than not kills his victims in very cruel ways, although most of them deserve it.
  • Being a pirate, he is very greedy and anti-heroic, because the profit from his work is most often important to him, and he commits some of his actions from this.
  • He tends to commit rather dubious acts, such as piracy and robbery, as well as helping dangerous pirates such as Blackbeard, Benjamin Hornigold, Mary Reed and Charles Wayne in capturing Nassau and creating a pirate utopia there, where a person is free to live outside the power of kings and rulers.
  • He acted very recklessly when he took Walpole's place at the Templar meeting in Havana, where he met with Woods Rogers, as well as with the governor of Cuba and the master of the Templars, Laureano Torres, which put the Order of Assassins at risk.

External Links[]


           Assassin's creed logo Inconsistently Admirable

Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad | Ezio Auditore da Firenze | Connor Kenway | Edward Kenway | Arno Dorian

           Ubisoft logo Inconsistently Admirable

Assassin's Creed
Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad | Ezio Auditore da Firenze | Connor Kenway | Edward Kenway | Arno Dorian

Far Cry
The Jackal | Jason Brody | Rex "Power" Colt | Amita | Sabal | Protagonist (Far Cry 5)

Watch Dogs
Aiden Pearce | Marcus Holloway

Call of Juarez
Ray McCall | Thomas McCall | Silas Greaves

John Tanner
