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Dr. King Schultz is the deuteragonist in Django Unchained. He is a dentist who decides to work as a bounty hunter.

He was portrayed by two-time Academy Award-winner Christoph Waltz, who also portrayed Dyson Ido, in Alita: Battle Angel.

His Admirable Ranking[]

What Makes Him Admirable?[]

  • He works as a bounty hunter, killing dangerous criminals across the country.
  • When he meets the Speck brothers, Ace and Dicky, bringing slaves to the next town, he calmly asks them if he could talk with one of their slaves, Django, in order to get information on the Brittle brothers.
  • When Ace unreasonably points his gun at Dr. Schultz out of irritation, he asks both brothers to calm down, but when Ace refuses, he only kills Ace and shoots Dicky's horse out of self-defense.
  • Even after having been threatened, Dr. Schultz still pays Dicky to take Django with him out of principle.
  • He gives the keys to the shackles to the other slaves, giving them the chance to either take Dicky to a doctor to treat his leg or go make new lives for themselves. He also points to the North Star to help them get to the Northern states.
  • He tells Django that he despises slavery and he feels guilty over using Django to his advantage. So instead, he makes a deal with Django that in exchange for helping find the Brittle Brothers, he would give Django his freedom and a portion of the rewards, treating Django as an equal and business partner.
  • He kills Willard Peck, a wanted outlaw who stole cattle from ranches.
  • He and Django kill the Brittle brothers at Big Daddy Bennet's slave plantation, sparing the slaves from their abuse. Then, when Bennet leads a raid to kill Dr. Schultz and Django for lying to him, Dr. Schultz and Django kill Bennet out of self-defense, likely ending the slavery at his plantation.
  • When Django reveals his intent to find his wife and buy her freedom, Dr. Schultz decides to help him, knowing that it would be too dangerous for a black man to go to a slave auction town in Mississippi. Dr. Schultz then decides to make another deal with Django, partnering with him for the winter and giving him a third of the bounties in exchange for rescuing his wife.
  • During the winter, he and Django take down many dangerous criminals.
  • He makes the plan to purchase Broomhilda in order to ensure the best chance of getting her freedom.
  • During their visit to Candyland, Dr. Schultz converses with Django, showing disgust at the way he was yelling and mocking the slaves and believing he was going too far in his role as a black slaver.
  • Dr. Schultz offers to reimburse Candie by purchasing D'Artagnan, a slave who attempted to flee the plantation, in order to save the innocent slave. He's only stopped by Django, as purchasing the injured slave out of compassion could've blown their cover, and he is horrified when D'Artagnan is killed by dogs.
  • He requests Broomhilda be brought to his room by pretending to use her for sex, but when the door closes, he gives Broomhilda a glass of water, puts on all his clothes, makes his bed and takes a seat, all in order to put her at ease. He then explains his intent to free Broomhilda from slavery, complimenting her beauty during the conversation.
  • Once their cover is blown, he expresses his disgust over Candie's racist and sadistic behavior, as well as his fake Francophone lifestyle.
  • Dr. Schultz is arguably the most moral character in the movie due to his compassionate nature and the lengths he went to save Broomhilda from slavery.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • As a bounty hunter, he is rather lethal. Even though the criminals can be brought in alive, he always uses violence as the first option and kill the criminals he's hunting, shooting many of them in broad daylight.
  • He had no problem killing a wanted criminal in front of his son, ordering Django to kill him without batting an eye and showing no concern over the trauma that would be inflicted on the innocent child.
  • His wounded pride puts Django and Broomhilda in danger and nearly gets Django sent to the mines for the rest of his life. When Candie forces Dr. Schultz to shake his hand, Schultz refuses to shake his hand and instead kills him with a concealed handgun. Had he just shaken his hand, all three of them could've left Candyland safely, but his unwillingness to compromise, even if understandable, was still a bit too selfish and excessive and only leads to unnecessary conflict. As Candie himself pointed out, a large part of his behavior was him acting out due to being a sore loser and having been humiliated by Candie.

External Links[]


           Tarantino Inconsistently Admirable

Aldo Raine | Beatrix Kiddo | Butch Coolidge | Donny Donowitz | Dr. King Schultz | Seth Gecko

           Sony Pictures Logo Inconsistently Admirable

Animated Features
Leon S. Kennedy | Ada Wong | Dracula | Cheespider | Mighty Eagle | King Leonard Mudbeard | Chris Redfield

Live-Action Features
The Man With No Name | John Rambo | Peter Venkman | Egon Spengler | Daniel LaRusso | Johnny Lawrence | Harry Osborn | Doctor Octopus | Dr. King Schultz | R.L. Stine | Iron Man | Venom | Eddie Brock | Lemon

Live-Action Television
Walter White | Jesse Pinkman | Hank Schrader | Nacho Varga | Mike Ehrmantraut

See Also
Marvel Cinematic Universe Inconsistently Admirable | Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul Inconsistently Admirable | Spider-Man Inconsistently Admirable

           Lantern Entertainment Inconsistently Admirable

Live-Action Features
John Rambo | Aldo Raine | Dr. King Schultz

See Also
20th Century Studios Inconsistently Admirable | DreamWorks Inconsistently Admirable | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inconsistently Admirable | Netflix Inconsistently Admirable | Tarantinoverse Inconsistently Admirable
