“ | Make sense? Oh, what fun is there in making sense? | „ |
~ Discord's famous phrase. |
Discord is a major character in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. He is one of Twilight Sparkle's best friends.
He uses less contractions in his vocabulary oftentimes, giving him a somewhat sophisticated, charismatic, archaic tone to his status as a "chaos god".
He was voiced by John de Lancie.
His Good Ranking[]
What Makes Him Admirable?[]
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic[]
- Not wanting to lose Fluttershy as his only friend, he decided to return Equestria back to normal after understanding the magic of friendship.
- Decided to use his magic for good "most of the time", in his own trickster mentor way.
- Helping Twilight save Equestria from the Plunderseeds by giving her helpful advice in a way.
- Capturing Lord Tirek under Celestia's request before he was convinced into joining his side.
- After being betrayed by Tirek, he became remorseful of helping him and realizes the error of his ways.
- Thanking Twilight for releasing him from being imprisoned by Tirek.
- Helping Twilight and her friends defeated Tirek by giving her a medallion as a final key.
- Truly reformed himself after Tirek's defeat, embracing the magic of friendship.
- Decided to stop sending Tree Hugger into another dimension and apologizes to her and the Smooze for his actions to them.
- Apologizes to Spike and Big Mac for selfishly ruining their evening and making everything all about himself.
- Teaming up with Starlight, Trixie and Thorax to save Equestria from Queen Chrysalis and defeat her.
- He tried to abandon his chaotic ways to make Fluttershy feel more comfortable, which almost led him to fading away in the process.
- Tried to cheer Big Mac up after hearing that Sugar Belle is planning to break up on him.
- Helping Big Mac reconcile with Sugar Belle and getting them back together.
- Decided to stop terrorizing the School of Friendship after Starlight apologizes to him for making him feel left out.
- Helping Rainbow Dash find a Hearth's Warming gift for Fluttershy.
- Sacrificing himself to protect Fluttershy from getting shot by King Sombra's magic beam.
- Encouraging the Mane Six to defeat King Sombra without the Elements of Harmony.
- Helping the Mane Six to fix the ruined Summer Sun Celebration event.
- Helping Big Mac planning to propose Sugar Belle.
- Stopping the living apples from causing chaos through Ponyville.
- He had good intentions in wanting to help Twilight be confident enough to rule Equestria.
- Feeling remorseful over his mistake of causing the villains attack Equestria.
- Protects Twilight from the villain's attack and told her to run away.
- Even though he mocked Tirek being unloved by his father, this is justified due to how unsympathetic Tirek was and it doesn't excuse his actions.
- Tricking the villains into releasing Twilight's friends from their imprisonment, putting his life on the line to do so.
- Giving the time for Twilight's friends to escape and find her while he and the others deal with the villains.
- Suggesting Celestia and Luna to punish Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy by turning them into stone to end their reign of terror on all of Equestria. Although Cozy is still a child, he still saw her as a threat and doing it to make sure she never harmed anyone ever again.
- Dropping off Fluttershy for her monthly meeting with her friends.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic[]
- Even before his reformation, he showed some standards, as he never wanted to cause harm to others unlike Cosmos.
- When Cosmos attacked Canterlot in search of him, he offered his help in banishing her to the stars and took the fall for her actions afterwards.
- When the Andalusian stars crashed onto Equestria, he hid one of the stars away as soon as he found it in the Everfree Forest, ensuring that Cosmos would never return.
- Directly stood up to Cosmos while she was attempting to take over Equestria with her malice.
2022 comics[]
- Even after being alone for so long after the Mane 6 and everyone else he knew passed away, having been forced to outlive all his friends, rather than become bitter and revert to his old ways, he's done his best to honor their kindness and see that other's aren't hurt.
- While his plan to destroy magic forever is extreme, he is ultimately doing it to prevent conflict and division between ponies in Equestria.
- After Izzy showing Fluttershy's video message to him, he tearfully began to show remorse over his extremism and give back the Pegasi Crystal to Sunny and her friends.
What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]
- Infamously sided with Tirek in the season four finale despite Fluttershy managed to redeem him, proving he's not incorruptible, though he redeems himself again after Twilight saved him and shows remorse over his actions.
- Even the Mane Six weren't amused by his betrayal and he nearly lose their confidence, and Shining Armor had a hard time to finally forgive him for said act.
- He can be on & off, as he can be anti-heroic and heroic from time to time, this was evidenced when he joined Tirek's side in the season four finale.
- He is too mischievous to qualify as both PG or NPG.
- During his reign of terror, he caused chaos throughout Equestria and taking delight of watching others suffering in despair and misery. He even flooded the Sweet Apple Acres then turned it into an ice rink before his redemption. Despite this, he goes back into causing chaos when he terrorized the School of Friendship and bring the apples back to life which they terrorized Ponyville and merged themselves into a giant apple monster.
- Occasionally tricks Twilight and the others into doing something too ridiculous, including taking advantage of Fluttershy's kindness so he could be free to cause chaos whatever he wants, secretly planting Plunderseeds underground before his first defeat to teach her a lesson about being a proper leader, tricking both her and Cadance into taking care of him by faking his illness to make sure if she's still his friend, making her friends hanging out with him and excluding her from activities through three-day weekend to teach her a lesson, putting Twilight on pressure so she could send Starlight to his realm so they could be roommates, tricking her and the others into going on a fake friendship mission just to terrorize the School of Friendship and disguised himself as Grogar to create a fake threat to Equestria so she and her friends could defeat the villains and boost up her confidence which backfired.
- Can be very disobedient and ignorant when he betrayed Fluttershy by turning Sweet Apple Acres into an ice rink despite she promised, refusing to believe over Fluttershy's denounces their friendship and proudly boasting that no one tells him what to do before he realizes the error of his ways, refusing to help Twilight and her friends due to their accusation on him and ignoring Spike and Big Mac's insist of getting back to play Ogres & Oubliettes when forcing them to do their evening in his own way.
- He can be too arrogant and selfish, proudly boasting about himself, sometimes looking down on others, refused to admit his feelings either and wanting to make anything in his own way against others' wishes.
- There are moments where he can be too jerkish towards others, as shown when he refused to help the Mane Six with the missing of the two princesses and the Plunderseeds problem for accusing him and argued with Trixie during their mission on saving their friends from the Changelings.
- He can easily lose his temper, as shown when he heard that Fluttershy invited Tree Hugger to the Grand Galloping Gala over him, got fed up with Spike and Big Mac's playful teasing when they were playing Ogres & Oubliettes and furiously discovered that Fluttershy has been kidnapped by the changelings.
- He can be very jealous, as shown when he thought that Fluttershy invite Tree Hugger for a Grand Galloping Gala instead of him and Starlight was being chosen as a temporary headmare of the School of Friendship.
- He can be a control freak when he forced Spike and Big Mac to do their evening activities in his own way.
- Along with Celestia and Luna, he has no issue of turning Cozy Glow, a child, into stone, but unlike them he clearly showed sadistic enjoyment in doing so. Despite this, they only make sure that she, Chrysalis and Tirek won't ever causing harm throughout Equestria again.
- He can be an extremist, as shown in the second issue of the 2022 My Little Pony comics that he's revealed to be the one who stole the Pegasus Crystal in order to keep magic from returning to Equestria. After ponies turned their magic on each other many years prior, he believes that magic is the source of conflict and division, and the society without magic would be more peaceful. This is the reason why he wanted to destroy the Unity Crystals so the Equestria will remained magic-less, leading to a conflict between him and Sunny, along with her friends.
- This act is also very disrespectful towards the Mane 6's legacy, since they were the ones who created the Unity Crystals in the first place, and it wouldn't have been something they wanted to happen.
- In a flashback from Issue #6, the separation of the pony races causing him to descend into madness and believing that magic could destroy Equestria, leaving Fluttershy to record a message on crystal which is found by Mane Five years later.
- However, he later redeems himself from his extremistic ways after remorsefully watching Fluttershy's video message and gave back the Pegasi Crystal to Sunny and her friends.
External Links[]
- Discord on the Heroes Wiki
- Discord on the Villain Wiki
- Discord on the Villainous Benchmark Wiki
- Discord on the Generation 5 My Little Pony Wiki
- Discord on the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Wiki
- Discord on the Love Exalted Wiki
Inconsistently Admirable | ||
Friendship is Magic Movies |