Inconsistently Admirable Wiki

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Inconsistently Admirable Wiki

You've got me confused with the other guy. THIS Pit is no pawn.
~ Dark Pit in Chapter 6, rejecting Medusa's offer to work together.
Palutena says jump, you jump. She says fight, you fight. Sounds like a very satisfying existence... for her, that is.
~ Dark Pit calling out the imbalance in Pit and Palutena's dynamic.

Dark Pit is one of the two secondary antagonists (alongside Viridi) in Kid Icarus: Uprising serving as the secondary antagonist of the first story arc, a minor character in the third and fifth story arcs and the tritagonist of the fourth story arc. He is the villainous-turned-antiheroic doppelganger of Pit and a parody of "evil twin" characters in video games. Once an enemy, he develops a heroic side and becomes one of Pit's greatest allies and friends after the latter is trapped in the Ring of Truth.

He was voiced by Antony Del Rio in English and Minami Takayama in Japanese.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Admirable?[]

  • In Chapter 5, one of his first actions upon being created is to help Pit take down Pandora.
  • He also assists Pit by taking down the Underworld Gatekeeper in Chapter 9.
  • While he opposes Pit pre-redemption, he also opposes Medusa, meaning he is more an antagonist than an out-and-out villain.
  • His disgust with the gods is due to their powers and disputes causing endless wars, proving he does have a heart, standards, and a moral compass.
  • While a serious individual, his presence doesn't darken the tone of the story one bit and makes it rather comedic as he is written to be a parody of dark and edgy villainous rivals to the main hero.
  • Helped Pit save Palutena from the Chaos Vortex.
  • After Pit almost dies to save him, Dark Pit picks his side for good, siding with the heroes and going out to save Pit by taking him to the Rewind Spring.
  • Much like Viridi and Phosphora, he stands out in the Kid Icarus universe as, while Palutena and Pit have both done more impressive things than him, they far outstrip him in regard to resources, especially after he loses his Pandora-boosted flight.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • Unlike his real counterpart, Dark Pit has several personality flaws that prevent him from being NPG or PG. He is a jerk, cocky, mean-spiritedly sarcastic, and rather arrogant, even after his redemption.
  • He starts off as a villain, and even after the game, he is revealed to have joined the Forces of Nature for the time being, so he is still a wild card and On-and-Off.
  • After his redemption, he moves on from trying to kill Pit, but still wants to defeat him to prove that he is the superior one.


  • Dark Pit, Viridi and Phosphora are the only three Inconsistently Admirable candidates on this wiki to come from the Kid Icarus franchise.
  • Dark Pit is also notable for not starting out as his own character. His original (non-canon) debut was in Super Smash Bros. Brawl as a black palette swap for Pit. As this alt costume turned out to be incredibly popular among the fans, it was turned into a separate character for Kid Icarus: Uprising.

External Links[]


           KidIcarusTitleInconsistently Admirable

Viridi | Phosphora | Dark Pit

           NintendoLogo Inconsistently Admirable

Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong


Star Fox
Falco Lombardi

Xenoblade Chronicles

Dragalia Lost

Conkers Bad Fur Day
Conker the Squirrel

See Also
Fire Emblem Inconsistently Admirable | Kid Icarus Inconsistently Admirable | Pokémon Inconsistently Admirable | Super Mario Inconsistently Admirable | Splatoon Inconsistently Admirable | Super Smash Bros. Inconsistently Admirable | The Legend of Zelda Inconsistently Admirable

            Super Smash Bros. Logo Inconsistently Admirable

Playable Characters
Bowser | Byleth | Cloud Strife | Dark Pit | Donkey Kong | Falco Lombardi | Kazooie | Master Hand | Mythra | Wario

Assist Trophies
Midna | Phosphora | Shadow the Hedgehog | Zero

Chris Redfield | Count Bleck | Goro Akechi | Jin Kazama | Kyo Kusanagi | Master Hand | Morgana | Mythra | Paper Bowser | Rabbid Mario | Rabbid Peach | Revali | Riku | Shadow the Hedgehog | Viridi

Giga Bowser | Master Hand

See Also
Nintendo Inconsistently Admirable
