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My dear Corvo. What a sad hand fate has dealt you. The beloved Empress dead and everyone thinks you're the killer.
~ The outsider to Corvo Attano

Corvo Attano is the main protagonist of the 2012 stealth game Dishonored, and one of the two protagonists of its 2016 sequel. previously the royal protector of Empress Kaldwin and the caring dad of Emily Kaldwin, he was framed for the murder of by the hands of Daud and on the orders of Hiram Burrows. he was sent to prison and was beaten and assaulted until they tried to execute him for killing the Empress.

After escaping confinement with the help of the Loyalist Conspiracy, he gets power from an unknown source, who is revealed to be The Outsider. he becomes an assassin so that he can take down Hiram Burrows and make his daughter, Emily, the rightful Heir.

In the second game, he is voiced by Stephen Russell.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Admirable?[]

In General[]

  • He has a tragic backstory of living in a poor neighborhood and after his father died in a Workplace accident, he started to fight in the streets.
  • After becoming a high-ranking Grand Serkonan Guard, he helped in the battle against Rouge crime-infested cities and pirate bands.
  • Protected the empress and his daughter from any danger that could have killed them.
  • Helped the city of Dunwall by trying to find a cure for the rat plaque.


  • He protects Jessamine Kaldwin and Emily from Daud's assassins and when Jessamine gets stabbed by Daud, he holds her in his arms before she dies of blood loss.
  • In books it is shown that while he did kill some people, he was an overall pacifist who tried to keep most people who got in his way alive.
  • Saves Martin who was being tortured by an overseer.
  • Uses the heretics brand on Campbell, giving him a truly deserved fate for his crimes.
  • Saves Geoff Curnow from being poisoned by High Overseer Campbell.
  • In the 3rd mission he kills the Pendleton brothers or delivers them to Slackjaw to go into hard labor. These guys are considered some of the worst people in the universe, due to their control of prostitutes and abuse of Trevor and Emily.
  • Gives Lady Boyle to a rapist, giving her the karma that she got for being just as involved in the murder of the empress as the lord regent. While it would normally be insanely degenerate, he may not have understood what was happening, or he thought she deserved it.
  • Exposes Hiram Burrows to Dunwall and gets him executed for his conspiracy to murder the empress and to let the rat plague go rampant.
  • Kills the torturer who sadistically tortured him and other prisoners.
  • When He gets betrayed by the loyalists, Samuel saves him as he is considered a good person by his standards.
  • When he decides to duel Daud, he shows honor as he Spares him after he asks for his life.
  • After killing Granny Rags and saving Slackjaw, they become friends despite the fact one of them is a crime lord.
  • When he goes back to the hound's pit hub, he sends a flare to Samuel and helps Sokolov and Piero work on an Arc Pylon.
  • After he kills Havelock, who poisoned his allies due to guilt, he saves his daughter and lets her become the new Empress.
  • he has a lot of optional moments where he saves innocent people from danger for no pragmatic reasons.
  • When he tries to kill Delilah, he gets turned into stone as a ritual protected Her heart.
  • The main reason that Emily survived the events of Dishonored 2 is because she was taught how to handle weapons such as swords, bows, and pistols.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • He is too lethal for PG or NPG as It is shown in books, conversations, and DLC that he has killed multiple whalers and guards.
  • His executions are insanely gruesome as he never gives them an instant death (although they do deserve it)
  • Kidnapped Anton Sokolov and after bringing him to a cage for questioning, Corvo has the option to threaten him with rats.
  • He sometimes taunts his victims in Dishonored 2, while Emily is the canon protagonist in Dishonored 2, it shows his wrathfulness.


  • He is the only Dishonored character, so far, to be Inconsistently Admirable.
  • "Corvo" means "crow" or "raven" in Italian and Portuguese.