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Conan the Barbarian is the titular protagonist of the Conan the Barbarian franchise. In the 1982 film and 1984 sequel, he was portrayed by Arnold Schwarzenegger.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Admirable?[]

  • He fights Thulsa Doom and defeats him. He also saves the princess and frees the adherents of the Thulsa Doom cult from having to serve him.
  • He accompanies Princess Jenna on her journey and subsequently saves her and her kingdom from the evil god Dagoth.
  • In the books, he took part in many battles and showed himself to be a successful ruler.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • He has criminal tendencies (for example, in films he steals a stone).
  • He also tends to kill his enemies in the most brutal manner possible (in the movies, at least).

External Links[]
