“ | Robot: Would you care for another diet Cola with a lemon twist, weenie? SpongeBob: What? But I'm not a weenie! Robot: (Scans SpongeBob) I'm sorry, sir, but my sensors indicate that you are indeed a weenie. |
„ |
~ A robot commenting on SpongeBob SquarePants' lack of physical strength. |
“ | Gumball's Heart: (Gasps) What's going on? Gumball's Lungs: I have no idea, but it's horrible! Gumball's Heart: Code Red! I repeat -- Code Red! This is not a drill! This body is exercising! |
„ |
~ All of Gumball Watterson's organs screaming due to him exercising, while sweat pours out of Gumball's armpits. |
“ | Too wimpy to break free of wimpy sand. | „ |
~ Timmy Turner unable to get out of some sand. |
Inconsistently Admirables who are relatively weak in physical strength and/or easy to defeat by villains or other heroes.
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