Inconsistently Admirable Wiki

To vote for the Inconsistently Admirable Proposals of the day, see:

To vote for the Inconsistently Admirable Removals of the day, see:

  • 1 - TBA


Inconsistently Admirable Wiki
That's rough buddy.
~ Zuko sympathizing with Sokka about how he lost Princess Yue.
A Family Born Of Love And Not Genetics. Everything I Want... It Was So Much Easier Accepting The Future When We Were Enemies.
~ Sage on Tails and Sonics friendship

Inconsistently Admirable heroes who are sympathetic. These heroes are shown to have an understanding of another individual and can feel sorrow for them if they are suffering a misfortune. These Inconsistently Admirable heroes at times are very supportive of their friends, families, colleagues, or strangers that they realize are suffering and may go out of their way to help them. These heroes often show compassion for those they want to support and would make an effort to genuinely understand those they notice are in pain.

All items (238)
