Inconsistently Admirable Wiki

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  • 1 - TBA


Inconsistently Admirable Wiki
Daffy Duck: That, sir, is an in-mitigated frab-rication! It's wabbit season.
Bugs Bunny: Duck season!
Daffy Duck: Wabbit season!
Bugs Bunny: Duck season!
Daffy Duck: Wabbit season!
Bugs Bunny: Duck season!
Daffy Duck: Wabbit season!
Bugs Bunny: Wabbit season!
Daffy Duck: Duck season!
Bugs Bunny: Wabbit season!
Daffy Duck: I say it's duck season, and I say FIRE!
~ Bugs Bunny tricking Daffy Duck into getting shot by Elmer Fudd, while Daffy also tries getting Bugs shot.
The zombies asked me to help them practice invading houses. I told them it'd be okay as long as no plants were harmed. So I put out a bunch of cardboard cut-outs on your lawn. Have fun!
~ Crazy Dave telling the Player to train Zombies in invading houses in I, Zombie.

Inconsistently Admirables who change between good and evil. Many times this is their main prevention, being just as villains as they're heroes, in spite of their many heroic deeds. It is also a reason why they can't be Near Pure Good or Pure Good since their heroism is too inconsistent.

They can also be Inconsistently Heinous if they go too far with their villainous deeds.

Important Notes[]

All items (239)
