Inconsistently Admirable Wiki

To vote for the Inconsistently Admirable Proposals of the day, see:

To vote for the Inconsistently Admirable Removals of the day, see:

  • 1 - TBA


Inconsistently Admirable Wiki
Jake Peralta is my best detective. He likes putting away bad guys and he loves solving puzzles. The only puzzle he hasn't solved is how to grow up.
~ Terry Jeffords on Jake Peralta.
Look, I may be a princess, but I want to be treated like a normal person. You’re a rich kid who wants to remind everyone how special you are!
~ Macy calling out Lance on how spoiled he is.

Manchildren are adults who act immature. Despite the title, the character does not always have to be male to apply for this category, as its counterparts are womanchildren and adultchildren. They can never be NPG as they are too immature and childish for it.

Note: Kids, toddlers and babies (e.g. Vanellope von Schweetz, Din Grogu, Wonder Red and Jack-Jack Parr) do not count, as a child, toddler or baby acting immature is only natural, especially because of their limited moral agency.

All items (95)
