Inconsistently Admirable Wiki

To vote for the Inconsistently Admirable Proposals of the day, see:

To vote for the Inconsistently Admirable Removals of the day, see:

  • 1 - TBA


Inconsistently Admirable Wiki
You two are supposed to be responsible uncles!
~ Manny calling Crash and Eddie out for failing to watch over Peaches when she sneaked away.
What a surprise. Billy caused the end of the world. AGAIN.
~ Mandy, upon seeing Billy helping Jack O'Lantern causing chaos in "Billy & Mandy's Jacked Up Halloween".

Inconsistently Admirable heroes who show incompetence by botching their own plots and are more likely to fail at their heroic plans rather than to fulfill them (unless their counterparts are just as unsuccessful).

It's common for an Inconsistently Admirable hero to be incompetent, but if they at least show that they can be competent and skilled in one or many areas at times as heroes despite their incompetence, then even heroes like these have shown to be successful may apply here (especially if some of them used to be inept & impractical in terms of heroism and have significantly improved over time).

Note: Don't add characters who are simply dim-witted or simply lack competence. This is for characters who are comedic in nature and are also more likely to fail in their own plans/ambitions or screw up with their heroic actions rather than achieve them oftentimes, comically or not. Those should go under Dimwits instead.

All items (89)
