Inconsistently Admirable Wiki

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Inconsistently Admirable Wiki
But trust me. Everything I've worked for, everything I cared about, it's all for this family.
~ Stanley Pines explaining his actions to Mabel Pines in Not What He Seems
I don't have friends, I have family.
~ Dominic Toretto

Inconsistently Admirable heroes who treat their families with respect (be them parents, siblings, spouses, step family members, in-laws, clones, as well as adopted family members, etc.). They are often considered among the kindest of all Inconsistently Admirables given that they take it to their own hands to help out their family beyond the usual family bonds.

Examples of family kindness are shown below:

  • Heroes who protect their family members lives:
    • Willing to protect their family members and stand up for them
    • Rescuing their family members from the evil clutches
  • Nurturers:
    • Supporting their family members and always encourage them.
    • Teaching their family members of how to behave and giving them good advice.
    • Showing their kindness towards their family members.
    • Spending time with their family members in a good quality time.
    • Apologizes to their family members for their wrongdoings.
  • Merciful:
    • Willing to forgive their family members for what they have done.
    • Sparing their family members out of mercy.

They are the opposites of Family Cruelty.

All items (194)
