Inconsistently Admirable Wiki

To vote for the Inconsistently Admirable Proposals of the day, see:

To vote for the Inconsistently Admirable Removals of the day, see:

  • 1 - TBA


Inconsistently Admirable Wiki
Danganronpa 2 CG - Nagito's Russian Roulette

"Mature Content!"
‎This page has some content that includes a mature situation or subject and might be unsuitable for viewers who are children. If you're 18 years of age or above or are comfortable and fine with the material, you can view the page, otherwise just close this page and find another one.

Controversial Inconsistently Admirables (also called Exploitation Inconsistently Admirables), are heroes who come from works that are disturbing and/or controversial. These heroes are Inconsistently Admirables due to the nature of their work making them do horrible or morally reprehensible things (e.g. Morty and Rick) or the they're work is quite disturbing (e.g. Michael Afton).

Another case as to why they can be controversial is due to their appearance or the actions they commit that leaves the audience divided about them (e.g. Bowser & Byleth).

All items (102)
