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Inconsistently Admirable Wiki

Bolo is the overarching protagonist in the animated series Final Space. He was the only Titan not corrupted by Invictus and would later help the Team Squad in trying to defeat it and the rest of the Titans.

He was voiced by Keith David.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Admirable?[]

  • He was the only Titan to not be corrupted by Invictus.
  • He stopped the Titans from getting out of Final Space by closing the breach, getting imprisoned for thousands of years as a result.
  • He stopped Nightfall from killing herself and helped her in making a time machine that she used to try to save the universe for 20 years.
  • He helped Gary get through his anxiety when he was feeling like he was a disappointment.
  • He had Gary reunite with his father so he could be able to know how to save the universe.
  • He tells Gary about the Arachnitects so he and the Team Squad could save him.
  • He comforted Gary over Nightfall's death after she sacrificed herself to free Bolo.
  • He saved the Team Squad from being killed by two Titans that were about to attack them.
  • He throwed the Crimson Light away from the Titans so he could save them.
  • He defeated several Titans, including Oreskis, putting an end to their reign of terror.
  • He apologized to Gary for taking his revenge against the Titans too far.
  • He helped the Gatekeeper get into his mind so he and the Team Squad could save Ash from Invictus.
  • He comforted Ash over Fox's death and gave her the latter's body after she asked him to.
  • He helped the Team Squad activate the KVN Net so they could defeat the Titans with it, even defending them from Invictus' army of Garys.
  • Comforting the Team Squad in his final moments when he was about to get killed by the Lord Commander.
  • Overall, Bolo is easily the most admirable character in the show, due to saving the universe from the Titans in the past, being responsible for Nightfall's actions, and helping in activating the KVN Net so they could defeat the Titans and Invictus.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • He is far too vengeful to be Near Pure Good, wanting to kill all the Titans out of revenge for imprisoning him. This even comes to just being personal revenge as the reason he killed Oreskis was out of revenge for making his former girlfriend Jill sleep with him.
  • He has two moments where he is an extremist, those are:
    • He didn't tell the Team Squad about being needed for someone to sacrifice themselves in order to free him, causing Nightfall to sacrifice herself in order to do it.
    • He lied to Mooncake about Gary being dead so he could use him to get revenge on the Titans.
  • He originally thought on having KVN sacrificed because of his hatred towards him, and only didn't because it wouldn't matter because KVN wasn't a living being.


External Links[]


           Final Space Inconsistently Admirable

Team Squad
Gary Goodspeed | Nightfall | Tribore Menendez


See Also
Cartoon Network Inconsistently Admirable
