Inconsistently Admirable Wiki

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Inconsistently Admirable Wiki
NOTE: This page is only about her reboot incarnation as the original and anime incarnations of Blossom are voted as Near Pure Good. Thus only the reboot information of Blossom appears here.

Are you sure you don't wanna go uptown?
~ Blossom
I'm the leader, there's always a Plan B.
~ Blossom's motto

Blossom is one of the three titular main protagonists along with Bubbles and Buttercup of The Powerpuff Girls 2016 series.

She is voiced by Amanda Leighton.

Her Good Ranking[]

What Makes Her Admirable?[]

In General[]

  • She is willing to protect Townsville and stop her enemies all of the time.
  • She allways stop her arch-enemy, Mojo Jojo.
  • She is remorseful for most of her actions.

Season 1[]

  • When Blossom tried stopping the lava lady, she was prevented by Buttercup because she was jinxed.
  • She didn't want to invite Morbucks as Buttercup's replacement as she still wants Buttercup and is always willing to be with Buttercup. However later on, she accepted Morbucks as Buttercup's replacement but it's only because she wanted Morbucks to save the girls, even by then she and the girls defeated Morbucks by then when Morbucks trapped them.
  • Blossom and Buttercup are trying to find Bubbles after when she was missing but then realized Bubbles is at home.
  • Blossom stopped Bianca.
  • Blossom stopped another food monster and then cleaned up all of the mess in Townsville.
  • She stopped Sapna from turning into a spider.
  • She stopped a bunch of evil ghosts who attempted to take over the world later on.
  • She and the girls stopped Ghosthorse (Janitar) and saved all of the people who turned into a type of human and animal mixed together.
  • Blossom saved the Professor and refused to work with Jenica who wanted to steal the treasure.
  • She returned all of the water that were stolen by Manboy.
  • She stopped the Amoeba Boys from hacking into the internet and attempting to wipe out the internet.
  • Blossom stopped a team of Yetis and returned spring after when she turned spring into Winter for 30 days.
  • Although Blossom destroyed all of Silico's robots which turned him into a villain in the first place, it was only because she didn't know about it when fighting a monster, so it is understandable. She also tried stopping Silico but then he disappeared and then stopped Mojo for making an entire kitten army.
  • Blossom stopped a giant paper dinosaur that tells secrets to everyone especially telling Professor's secrets.
  • Blossom still accepts Morbucks as her friend even when Morbucks betrayed her.
  • Blossom stopped the Panda once again and goes back to her universe to apologize to the Professor since she didn't listen to the Professor.
  • Blossom stopped Bubbles' project from turning into a monster and felt remorse for not helping Bubbles.

Season 2[]

  • When Donny is revealed to be chased by a evil robot unicorn, she couldn't stop the unicorn, however she protected Donny just so he can't get hurt.
  • Blossom stopped a giant robot from making noises in the entire library.
  • While she forced her sisters and the Professor to do stuff they didn't want to do, it is understandable since Morbucks didn't invite Blossom to her birthday party on purpose. She later apologized to her sisters for it and admitted that she was jealous for not being invited.
  • She stopped Morbucks and Mojo Jojo after when Morbucks is going to steal the girls place as a Powerpuff Girl while Mojo is going to ruin Morbucks' party.
  • She stopped the Brosharks and saved the entire beach from being taken.
  • Instead of showing the footage of Professor fighting and defeating Silico, she instead showed footage of Professor being nice, kind, will always be there for the girls and hang out with them just so she can make the Professor happy which makes the Professor really proud of them.
  • Blossom felt remorse after leaving her sisters behind when she went to the rocket.
  • She stopped HIM from stealing Bubbles' imagination by using her own imagination.
  • She stopped Barbarus and Mojo Jojo from stealing all of the stolen jewelry.
  • She stopped HIM by forming into a giant Powerpuff Girl and saved everyone from turning into inanimate objects or other.
  • She stopped the Mayor and stopped him from eating expired vampire pickles which made him turn into a monster.
  • She stopped Mojo from destroying the entire Christmas, while it was not needed to stop Mojo from destroying Christmas since everyone wanted Mojo to destroy Christmas, Mojo also ended up burning the entire Townsville while attempting to murder a bunch of citizens so Blossom had to stop him from destroying Christmas.
  • She saved Buttercup's hair when it got infected by Super Lice.
  • She stopped Gnat from stealing all of the jars in Townsville.
  • She stopped Mojo multiple times in Toy Ploy.
  • She stopped Mojo and his bull robot.
  • She stopped Mojo and stopped the giant Box Robot from attacking Mojo.
  • She stopped Mojo when she got her powers back by Mojo.
  • She stopped Morbucks from adding false info about the girls.

Season 3[]

  • She stopped Jemmica by using Mojo's slow-motion gun.
  • She stopped Tess by revealing the footage of Tess hurting the leader of all Deathball teams while Blossom and the Derpytantes are being framed for hurting the leader.
  • She stopped the Professor and saved him from turning into a pig monster.
  • She stopped a horde of Gnat's army and stopped Gnat from frying all of the citizens.
  • She stopped Lester and shrink him.
  • She wanted to buy a mug for the Professor to make him feel happy but all of the mugs in the stores are destroyed.
  • She stopped Daisy from taking over the Professor's house.
  • She stopped Mojo and resisted her ice cream she bought from Mojo which ended up her being frozen.
  • She wanted to tell Barry that he's not really a superhero since Barry is putting his life in danger and almost killed himself.
  • Blossom teached Buttercup a lesson when Buttercup is using the villains as her allies just so she can fight them for fun.
  • She tried stopping Bubbles from taking advantage with the spoons and gets her to brush her teeth again.
  • She stopped the Gangreen Gang and let the Professor win so that he gets his hat back.
  • She wanted what's best for the Professor as she didn't trust the bad scientists since they attempt to steal his lab.
  • She teached HIM a lesson by forcing HIM to work on a job after when HIM stole her soul.
  • She stopped Mojo after when her spell is broken.
  • When she realized Buttercup is irresponsible since she's not responsible enough to watch the ruby, Blossom instead watched the ruby so that Buttercup don't end up attacking citizens. She also stopped Mojo from stealing the ruby.
  • She shows concern about the Professor since Professor's going a little too hard on soccer.

What Makes Her Inconsistent?[]

  • She is too selfish, jerky, arrogant and braggy to qualify as NPG or PG, here are some examples.
    • She tries bribing Bubbles to invite her to the concert just so she can see her favorite band.
    • She tries bribing Bubbles for her to vote Blossom as president all because she wanted more votes than Morbucks.
    • When Buttercup broke Blossom's trophy (only because it's for a good intention so that Buttercup can survive the car crusher since Buttercup wanted to save Bubbles' beloved doll Octi in the car crusher since Buttercup stole her doll), she is willing to never forgive her for breaking her trophy even though it's only for a good intention and Blossom was the one who wanted Buttercup to return Octi in the 1st place.
    • She was willing to beat Buttercup even though they're supposed to work together during the race, however since Buttercup was the one who wants to win the race for herself in the 1st place, it is understandable.
    • She's shown to take advantage with Buttercup by making her owe Blossom a bajillion dollars all because Buttercup is too scared to go to space.
    • When she said Bubbles will lead as the leader, she started becoming a jerk and tried becoming the leader again. While Bubbles is the one who had the most ridiculous plans and started becoming braggy at 1st which made Blossom had rights to get mad at her, she is still technically the one who let her be the leader in the 1st place without having full trust on her.
    • She made fun of Bubbles' messed up photo.
    • She ended up bringing winter in spring for 30 days just so she won't see Jared back then when Jared give her that love question note asking if she loves him or not which makes her too scared to tell him and if she didn't bring up winter, she's just going to lie to him at some point. She also bring up a bunch of yetis that were destroying Townsville.
    • She read Professor's journal that is full of secrets just so she can predict the future.
    • When she had a to-do list, she didn't help Bubbles on her project as it was the most important one out of all of them and then it ended up turning into a monster as she didn't help her.
    • She became jealous when Bubbles had the lead role while Blossom doesn't for the school. She even tried sabotaging her play by making a fake excuse that Bubbles had extremely explosive diarrhea while she actually sent Bubbles in a dark room.
    • She tried sabotaging the Schedule Bot but then ended up activating destructive mode on him which also ended up destroying the house.
    • She rubbed on her sisters' faces that Chiru was real since her sisters didn't believe her.
    • She was driving HIM insane, forced him to work on his job when HIM doesn't have a job to begin with, and tell him what to do. However since HIM took Blossom's soul when Bubbles and Buttercup sold Blossom's soul for a dollar, it's understandable.
    • She started beating up her sisters and Mojo thinking that one of them was the pig monster even though she has no evidence if they're a monster or not.
    • While she did resist her ice cream she bought from Mojo, she still won't assist buying chocolate from Mojo even though it's gonna make things worse.
  • There are times where she refused to listen like her sisters or the Professor while doing something even worse. Here are some examples.
    • She tried forcing Bubbles to win for the crown even though Bubbles said she only wanted to have fun than winning for a crown.
    • She wanted to stay all night watching Space Towtruck while the Professor said that they're supposed to sleep.
    • She refused to listen to the Professor when she made a reckless decision which makes her ended up on another universe where things are mostly the opposite.
    • She didn't take responsibility of drinking the potion that made the girls older since she drank the whole entire potion instead of a little which easily turned her into a grandma while the Professor pointed out they're supposed to drink little.
    • She refused to get her tooth fixed even though the Professor wanted her to, while she may feel remorse for it which got her teeth fixed, she didn't want to get braces as well.
    • She rather wear her new ribbon made by the Fashionistas which ended up getting her brainwashed and attacking the Professor since the Professor pointed out that he can't trust the Fashionistas.
    • She refused to listen to Bubbles about Bianca since Bianca is the villain but Blossom easily trusted Bianca when Bianca lied about Mojo and Barbarus using a bomb to explode Townsville even though Mojo and Barbarus are just only having a wedding but Blossom continues to destroy their wedding finding the bomb and didn't realize Bianca lied to her until things changed later on.
  • Unlike her original counterpart, she only feels very little remorse for her actions, and sometimes does not try to fix them.


  • She, Buttercup, Buttercup's anime counterpart, and Bubbles are the only four characters of The Powerpuff Girls franchise to be Inconsistently Admirable.
    • She, Bubbles, and Buttercup are also the only three The Powerpuff Girls (2016) characters to be Inconsistently Admirable.
    • She is the only version of Blossom to be Inconsistently Admirable.

External Links[]


           The Powerpuff Girls logo Inconsistently Admirable

TV Shows
Powerpuff Girls Z

The Powerpuff Girls (2016)
Blossom | Bubbles | Buttercup


See Also
Cartoon Network Inconsistently Admirable

           Cartoon Network Logo Inconsistently Admirable

TV Series
Tom and Jerry
Tom Cat | Jerry Mouse

Ed, Edd n Eddy
Eddy | Jonny 2x4 | Kevin | Rolf | Sarah

The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy
Grim | Billy | Mandy | Irwin Dracula

Codename: Kids Next Door
Kuki Sanban | Wallabee Beetles

Teen Titans (2003)

Johnny Test
Johnny Test

Ben 10
Kevin Levin | Azmuth

Powerpuff Girls Z

Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Anakin Skywalker | Mace Windu | Bo-Katan Kryze | Daughter | Father

Total Drama

The Garfield Show

Regular Show
Mordecai | Rigby | Muscle Man | Gary | Nikolai

The Amazing World of Gumball
Gumball Watterson | Darwin Watterson | Anais Watterson | Nicole Watterson | Carrie Krueger | Alan Keane | Rob

The High Fructose Adventures of Annoying Orange

Dragons: Riders/Defenders of Berk
Snotlout Jorgenson | Heather | Dagur the Deranged

Teen Titans Go!
Robin | Starfire | Cyborg | Beast Boy | Raven

Uncle Grandpa
Uncle Grandpa

Steven Universe
Steven Universe | Rose Quartz

Nexo Knights
Lance Richmond

We Bare Bears
Panda Bear | Ice Bear

The Powerpuff Girls (2016)
Blossom | Bubbles | Buttercup

Horrid Henry
Horrid Henry

Adult Swim
Aqua Teen Hunger Force

The Boondocks
Huey Freeman

Rick and Morty
Rick Sanchez | Morty Smith | Jerry Smith

Smiling Friends
Mr. Boss | Charlie Dompler | Allan Red

The Legend of Team Brunette

See Also
The Amazing World of Gumball Inconsistently Admirable | Final Space Inconsistently Admirable | The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy Inconsistently Admirable | Looney Tunes Inconsistently Admirable | Powerpuff Girls Inconsistently Admirable | Regular Show Inconsistently Admirable | Teen Titans Inconsistently Admirable | Warner Bros. Inconsistently Admirable
