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Inconsistently Admirable Wiki

Cruz de la Vega, also known as Black Scorpion, is the titular deuteragonist of the short-lived Disney series, Ultra Violet & Black Scorpion. He's godfather/maternal uncle of Violet Rodriguez who who runs a local gym, and was chosen to become the owner of a black luchador mask, which grants him the power of super-strength, which he'd use to become a superhero, having protected the town for over 3 years.

He was portrayed by J.R. Villarreal.

What Makes Him Admirable?[]

  • When he first got his luchador mask and the powers that come with it, he didn't have anyone to mentor him, which implies that became a superhero by choice rather than someone suggest he does so.
  • Prior to the events of the series, he had been protecting the city from threats and taking down criminals for at least 3 years.
  • While he's initially shocked over discovering Violet had a magic luchador mask similar to his, and conflicted over what he should do, he ultimately decides to mentor Violet and train her to become a superhero, especially since he didn't have anyone to mentor him when he got his mask.
  • He chews out (Ultra) Violet for nearly unmasking herself on her livestream, pointing out how doing so would mean she was doing heroics for attention rather than genuine altruism. This guilt-trips Violet into backing out of unmasking.
  • In spite of him being angry at (Ultra) Violet for her impatience and refusal to do his training methods, he still shows up at the scene and saves her from being attacked and possibly killed by armed truck robbers.
  • While he does chastise (Ultra) Violet after she fails to stop a truck robbery and nearly gets herself killed by the robbers, this is completely understandable, considering Violet was impatient and reckless at the time, and Cruz/Black Scorpion was concerned for (Ultra) Violet's safety. Plus, he'd apologize for his outburst anyway, making this a heating-up period.
  • He takes part in a luchador match to stop a group of impostor luchadores from stealing $100,000 in cash in a briefcase, meant to be donated to the Children's Hospital.
  • When Miradora steals the Spike Reader, and attempts to hack into bank accounts and steal millions with it, he tracks her down to stop her plan. Then when Miradora states that Violet had the verification key and made it clear she was going after her to get the key, Black Scorpion repeatedly attacks her in fury. He also tells Ultra Violet to go back inside Evita's house for her protection, though she refused to do so.
  • He aids Ultra Violet and Duplico in taking down Los Chapos Guapos.
  • He becomes less irritable and controlling in the latter half of the season, being more concerned about Violet's personal life, trying to be more understanding of others, and actually listening to some of (Ultra) Violet's suggestions.
  • After Ultra Violet bruises her leg trying to stop a criminal with a super suit, he allows her to stay behind while he and Cascada take down the criminal on their own.
  • He was willing to let Violet leave a crime surveillance scene, so she could be there for her friend Maya and help her practice for a sports tournament, claiming he'd be able to handle the crime fighting on his own. While Violet ultimately decides to stay behind and aid Black Scorpion, it's the thought that counts, and he was thinking about Violet's personal life for a change.
  • While he's reasonably conflicted over Catalina Rivera being Cascada, he's mostly able to adjust to the realization. Though he still breaks up with Catalina over an argument.
    • When Cascada lets a criminal escape -- due to him simply wanting get money for his outside generator, due to his mother being unable to pay the utility bill -- Black Scorpion is understanding over this, and doesn't try to catch the man.
  • After noticing that he was caught on camera stealing an ultrasonic emitter, much to the his confusion due to him not remembering doing so, he returns to the scene to do some investigation.
  • After Ultra Violet unmasks herself and reminds him that he was her godfather, Black Scorpion fights back against the brainwashing and breaks free, snapping back into himself.
  • Shortly afterwards, he's able to smash the ultrasonic emitter and a brain wave monitor Hypnotico had him steal to mind control the entire city, thus breaking Hypnotico's connection and saving the city from being enslaved by him.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • He's way too strict and too much of jerk to be Pure Good or even Near Pure Good.
    • Several episodes have him be unnecessarily rough towards criminals, even when they aren't a threat.
    • As Black Scorpion, he's very anti-social and condescending, even towards other heroes (not even Ultra Violet's safe from his coldness), and as Cruz, he's often a tough mentor towards Violet, tending to yell at her and reprimand her doing things differently, in spite of her not having as much experience as him. He'd even refuse to admit when was outmatched or at a disadvantage, or has to be bailed out by Ultra Violet.
    • In "¡Chisme! ¡Chisme! Read All About It!", he refuses to let Violet use the password cracker to look into the school surveillance system for a mystery blogger, not caring that said blogger was posting a gossip blog at Violet's school and hurting Violet and her friends, simply because the blogger wasn't a criminal. This forces Violet to steal the password cracker and go behind Black Scorpion's back. Then when Cruz catches her with it, he chastises her for invading people's privacy, and forces her to clean mats for a week without her powers, again not caring that a blogger embarrassed Violet and her friends first.
    • He tends to have a black-and-white morality, viewing most people as tecnicos (good guys) and rudos (bad guys) and various acts as simply good and bad with almost no in-between, (i.e: He dislikes Cascada for let thieves escape regardless of whether they have reasonable/sympathetic motives and encouraging Violet to step out of her comfort zone and break some rules.)
    • In "Cascada", he refuses to let Violet make a public appearance as Ultra Violet for a charity event, claiming she was exploiting herself.


  • He and Crash are the only Inconsistently Admirables from a Disney live-action series to actually be created by Disney, rather than acquired by the company like all the other approved characters.
  • If the series ever returns in some manner to continue its unresolved storyline, it's possible that Black Scorpion might become Near Pure Good.


           Disney Logo Inconsistently Admirable

Animated Features
Disney Animated Canon
Peter Pan | Cogsworth | Iago | Philoctetes | Mushu | Vincenzo Santorini | Jumba Jookiba | Buck Cluck | Runt of the Litter | Vanellope von Schweetz | Fred | Maui | Namaari

Mike Wazowski | Dash Parr | Jack-Jack Parr | Merida | Anger | Bing Bong


Live-Action Features
Mary Poppins | Max Keeble | Captain Jack Sparrow | Hector Barbossa | Maleficent | Neytiri

Marvel Studios
Iron Man | Star-Lord | Scarlet Witch | Yondu Udonta | Kraglin Obfonteri | Eddie Brock | Venom

Animated Television
DuckTales (1987)
Scrooge McDuck | Donald Duck

Phineas and Ferb
Candace Flynn | Heinz Doofenshmirtz

Gravity Falls
Stanley Pines | Old Man McGucket

DuckTales (2017)
Scrooge McDuck | Flintheart Glomgold

Darkwing Duck | Taurus | Shego | Star Butterfly | Cricket Green | Darius Deamonne | Strange Supreme

Live-Action Television
Crash | Jessica Jones | Jake Lockley | Black Scorpion

Video Games

Donald Duck

Scrooge McDuck

See Also
20th Century Studios Inconsistently Admirable | Pixar Iconsistenly Admirable | Star Wars Inconsistently Admirable
